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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Don't ever let anyone know that you are competent.
  2. I bet this is pretty nice. Having something red myself: Stag's Leap Artemis with med rare ribeye steak cooked on the BBQ, baked potato and brocoli - I do like.
  3. Fresh cherries and greek yogurt - what a great simple dessert.
  4. Sorry to take so long to get these picture up - it slipped my mind. Let me know if you wanted something more than this (like the digital holster on the bag, on a person, etc.). For reference, I have fairly small hands.
  5. That looks reeeaaaaaallllly good Mike.
  6. 2 bottles of 2007 Stag's Leap Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon 3 pounds of roasted hot Hatch peppers
  7. Blackwood's gin + Dolin Dry martini. Yum.
  8. 2-3 hours is pretty much on schedule for Amtrak. Glad you had fun. Last time I rode Amtrak, the train unfortunately hit a truck and killed a person (probably a suicide which seems to be fairly). We ended up 12 hours late (for what was supposed to be a 6 hour train ride). Of course, I cannot really blame that on Amtrak I suppose. Today I spent the day mostly indoors just as I have for the last two weeks. This is our 14th straight day of over 100 degree weather (I believe this is the hottest August on record). The only good thing is that there is a chance that we may get a tiny bit of rain! This year has been really bad. We have had around 5" of rain for all of 2011 and most of that was in January. I think I remember it raining maybe two or three times in the last 6 months. Usually we have around 4-5" per month (and usually more during the summer). Our foundation is really shifting because of the dry weather. I was going to wait for the rain to come back before having it repaired. I just hope all of our trees survive the extreme drought. We have 3 very large live oaks in the front and three other large trees in the backyard. I would really hate to lose the live oaks, they are around 70 years old I think. OK, enough of my complaining.
  9. There is a chance that Monday might be bad for me. I would prefer to not have it on Friday night but could do it if it were the only day available.
  10. Yep, I think I would like this better. Must be part of the heritage.
  11. Tried out Jim's Matin but decided it was too Vodkaish for me. So I made myself a dirty martini with Citadelle Reserve Gin and Dolin Dry. That hits the spot.
  12. Sorry to hear about Dusty's mom, Al's dad and Scott's Dad. Glad to hear that your Vicki's Dad is continuing to improve. In response to Vicki's "new" temporary kitchen. Why is it that everyone I know in S. Florida has an electric stove? What is wrong with you people?
  13. Good stuff Jim and Knuckles! I need to get myself some Oogie - we are lucky to have it here for $65. Jim: I am sure you will share your favorite elderflower drinks with us.
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