My turn for a Porch Wash
2 oz Bulleit rye
1/2 oz Benedictine
1/2 oz Cherry Heering
1 dash Angostura and 1 dash Regan's orange bitters
Absinthe rinse
Maker Mark cherry wrapped in a lemon peel
I do believe I like this drink!
Everyone here would be thrilled to have a tropical storm (even a hurricane) right now. The chance of it headed to Texas: 0.00000012649% (I calculated that myself).
Does anyone know a tropical storm dance? Mike or Mike?
It's looking good for the Giants. It would've been really sad to see the Giants swept by the quite pathetic (almost minor league) team which goes by the name the Astros.
Sat outside for the last half hour and watched the mini rain storm... the first rain at our house in a loooooonng time. It was wonderful. Unfortunately, the rain is gone now and the forecast is another week of 100 degree weather and very little chance of rain.
I am pretty sure that I have all the ingredients, so, in theory, I could finish the list tomorrow!
I quite liked the Bramble and Creme de Mure in general. I assume that is the drink you have left?
I need to try a Porch Wash - next drink I make.
Jim: How is the The Gypsy? I imagine the St Germain mixes better with gin than whiskey.
Marc's sherry drink reminded me that I have a lot of sherry and port drinks to make before I can finish off the Anvil list. So I decided to open up the bottle of port of have. I decided that I should drink some straight instead. I am not sure if I have ever had port, I suppose I have had some at dinner parties in the past. Pretty good but sweeter than I am used to drinking. Also, I don't know what a proper port glass looks like so please don't laugh at my glassware.
How long should this last in the fridge after opening (say if I am going to make cocktails with it)? A month? I read that Tawny/Colheita ports last a bit longer than some other types of port.
One more question for the cocktail experts: is this type of port ok for cocktails or should I get another type?
Porto Kopke 1991 Colheita
Al: Where did you buy all your very cool cocktail bar supplies (like the mixing glass, the cool new "silver" cups, etc)? Please share.
Edit: Not sure if this is where you bought your stuff, but I found some of it at They also have quite a lot of bitters there.
Had a couple of Stone Ruinations this evening. I guess I definitely have an allergy to some types of beer (maybe the hops?) because every Friday I have a beer or two and then get congested and get a headache. Sucks but I guess I am going to have to stop drinking beer or figure out which ones I am allergic to.