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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. About plates. Photoclam uses the Arca-style quick release system, right? Do you think it is worth it to get an L-plate? Kirk and RRS seem to be the plates that are most often recommended. RRS doesn't seem to have a custom fitted non-L bracket for the D90, Kirk does.
  2. Killed off a bottle of Citadelle Reserve with a G&T.
  3. Thanks for the support about the drought. I am feeling a little better than I was this morning. It probably helped that my mom had her first "good" day today (meaning she got out of the house and was not in severe pain). I am watering the trees right now. Also, got some stuff done for work that has been hanging over my head for a couple of months - that felt good. Now the problem is that I cannot choose between a Manhattan or G&T! Life is tough. Marc: Sorry to hear there are no good updates on your dad yet. Sending good wishes your way. It must be very difficult to go through what you are going through right now.
  4. By the way, anyone buy from http://reallybigcameras.com/ before? They seems to carry both Feisol and Photo Clam ballheads.
  5. Thanks for the advice Peter. That is what I was thinking. I will look into the Photoclaim series.
  6. Thanks for the support Stretch. A Manhattan (or similar drink) is certainly in order later.
  7. Missed the beer cellar Al - very cool. Spoiler alert: Below, I am just complaining about our drought and how Lee is making it worse. Don't read it unless you care to hear me whine some more which I am sure you don't. I am getting extremely fed up with the weather. I didn't think that tropical storm Lee could make things worse for Texas but... It cooler now (high of 90) and that is very nice. However, it is extremely frustrating to be within a couple hundred miles of places that are getting several inches of rain from Lee. On the other hand, we are getting anti-rain. Not only are we getting drier air and only got 0.2" of rain, but we are geting a lot of wind. This, with the dry brush and stupid people who live here is creating wild fires that have to be put out with the little water we have left in our reservoirs. Also, power outages (which has nothing to do with the drought but it a little annoying). It is depressing to be outside because you just see tons of beautiful 80 year old live oaks that are slowly dying because they cannot get enough water. With my mom's bad health for the past year, my other family problems, and the drought, I feel like I am not enjoying life much - which sucks. Maybe I should get some meds. Enough ranting. I hope everyone read my spolier and decided to skip this paragraph.
  8. I would just be getting the Feisol 1331S legs (not the combo). I am going to cancel the Gitzo 2531 for now and think about things a little more.
  9. Tripod update. Been researching legs today. I ordered a the Gitzo 2531 from amazon ($590 - $50 rebate which is $100 less than B&H) after doing a bit of research and finding Thom Hogan's article on tripods. However, I can still send it back or possibly cancel it before it is shipped. It is a little on the "large side" in the sense that it is 3lbs and 25.6" when folded (certainly wouldn't be taking with me on a plane/trip). I am wondering if I shouldn't just get the Gitzo traveler 1541t or Feisol CT-3441 traveler tripod (which is slightly larger than the Gitzo traveler) and just use this for travel and for now and get a more sturdy non-traveler tripod in the future when I have heavier lenses. Any thoughts?
  10. Mojito and Black Bull, approved. Moar 25yr old rye in a Perfect Manhattan with Regan's orange bitters.... and a Maker's Mark cherry. Note: Maker's Mark cherries suck, do not buy. Guess I will have to give in and buy some Griottines.
  11. Epicness WIN Brent and Fitz! Glad you are feeling better Brent.
  12. That sounds like a winner. Also try cherry bitters and another variant called the Liberal if you can find some Torani Amer (or other sub for Amer Picon). I am going totally girlie tonight with my choice of drink: Creamsickle. Really, I wanted some ice cream, saw the Vodka in the freezer and thought there must be some way I can have Vodka and ice cream. Creamsickle 2 oz Luksusowa Vodka 3/4 oz Creole Shrubb Orange Liqueur 2 oz orange juice 2 small scoops of vanilla ice cream 2 ice cubes Blend in blender
  13. There is no arguing with that! Glad things are on the up.
  14. Really sorry to hear about your dad Marc. Hoping for the best.
  15. Haven't decided on the Macro lens yet unfortunately. There are so many pro/cons about each lens. I am leaning towards the Nikon 60mm right now but might change my mind by tomorrow. Mostly I am worried about the build of third party lenses (especially the Tamron). However, my question today is about tripods. I would like to get one but really don't know where to start. I know that you can buy crappy ones cheap and can pay a lot of money for a good/light ones. What kind of budget should I be looking at to get some decent (I don't have any super heavy big zoom lenses) and would like it to be light enough that I don't end up leaving it at home. Since I am only 5'2" I suppose I should probably take that into account. I assume it is better to get separate legs and head? Are there certain brands that are known to be better quality, or ones that are "overpriced", or ones that I should avoid?
  16. Hope you get better soon Nate. My condolences as well Ken.
  17. The peat begins... That does sound good Marc. I need to pick up a bottle of Cocci Torino this weekend.
  18. Sorry to mess things up. Wish I had some better Macallan to toast but the 12 will have to do. Cheers!
  19. NC is probably better but BBQ is good anywhere (unfortunately we don't have much BBQ in the city).
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