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High Rollers
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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Jim that is one sweet bar!!! I am so jealous.
  2. Oh. Awesome! I need to get back to rowing again. I am just waiting for summer to end (it was 99 here today and is supposed to be 100 tomorrow).
  3. I <3 Brady. Can I use some of my extra points in league 2 in my league 1 game?
  4. I have read some good things about Avion and Siembre Azul tequilas but have not tried them. Anyone have experience with either of these? Very nice Sazerac Jim!
  5. Jim has had the Partida. I think it is the next tequila I am going to try (athough I will probably get the anejo). Sipping a little Black Bull 12yr after our steak dinner.
  6. OK, after thinking about what Ari and Job said, I ended up ordering the Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro from B&H on Sunday, it should be here Thursday. The 100mm lens will give me working distance. Also, I decided not to pay more for Nikon/VR since I figure that most real macro I will be using a tripod. I am not a fan of the extending lens, but I can probably put up with it to save ~$500. I may still end up with a Nikon 60mm for a macro/walkaround, we'll see. I wonder how the new Nikon 40mm macro would work as a close-up + walkaround. Probably not as sharp as the 60mm AF-S. I think I noticed that (taking into account that the lens length on the 40mm is shorter than that of the 60mm) the working distance of the 40mm and 60mm was about the same.
  7. Not on Netflix streaming! Oh well, I suppose I can get it on disk when I run out of Dexter and Fringe.
  8. Definitely my favorite city in Indiana. Aside from a great math department, great artwork on campus, and an excellent music school, IU has the world's best mechanical puzzle collection. If you haven't been there, it is a must see (Jerry Slocum Puzzle Collection).
  9. Agreed... a most awesome cocktail. Better late than never:
  10. Whoa! Is this what you put on your Christmas list every year? Definitely approved. I love Margaritas.
  11. It's ok... you'll probably still beat me.
  12. Approved! I bought a small 14" charcoal grill to use in the backyard. Made by a local company in Houston (with most parts from the USA). No use using a large grill for a single steak.
  13. Why do we have different scoring in the two leagues Jeff? Just to make it more fun. Wish I would have taken the risk and played Tate. He is doing pretty well.... ok well, really, the Texans are killing the Colts which makes me happy. Hehe.
  14. Thanks for the very generous offer Chris but I wouldn't feel comfortable borrowing such a nice lens from somebody... in case something happened. I am pretty sure I would like the Nikon 105mm AF-S for Macro (and not as a walk around lens). The question would be whether I would be just as happy with the Nikon 60mm at least for a while for Macro and could use it as a walk around lens. Finally - HCers back to being enablers! I thought everyone was acting much too sane for a while. You really should be telling me to get a 200mm macro.
  15. Very nice Mikey, Marc, and Jim! Just got home. This I will follow Mikey's lead with some Macallan 12yr - time to kill that bottle (don't have a pipe though ).
  16. Went to see the play Ether Dome. It tells the story of the discovery of anesthesia. Pretty interesting.
  17. I know you are trying. Texas is quite stubborn it seems.
  18. Looks good Jeff. Mike: I cannot imagine having soup - it was 98 degrees today. Just had an avocado stuffed with cheese and fajita steak, battered and fried, and topped with ranchero sauce. It was delicious.
  19. Does amazon.com or bhphoto have a 30 day return on lenses that are opened and used? Nice insect shot Jon.
  20. Looks like Foster isn't going to start tomorrow. Now the question is whether to sit him and take a risk with Ben Tate or play one of the other mediocre flex players on my team.
  21. ^ Yes, I was afraid of this. I imagine that I will end up buying a 100-110mm at some point in the future. It seems like a lot of people have both a 60/70 and 100/110 and use them for different reasons. I just didn't want to get pay the money for the 105mm Nikon right now and didn't find the lower priced options (Tamron 90mm and Tokina 100mm) all that exciting. If I really get into macro and find the 60mm is just not enough, I might be willing to get the Nikon 105mm macro at a future time (might as well spend the money rather than losing it in stocks ). Edit: Uggh, I decided to cancel my order and wait a little longer and think about what Jon said. I promise no more posting about macro lenses until I have one in my hand.
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