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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. A good steak deserves a good after dinner scotch: Springbank 12yr Cask.
  2. Having some more of the mediocre Dos Fincas Cab/Malbec but at least I am having it with a really great ribeye steak cooked on the grill. Why is it that the mediocre wines seem to last forever.
  3. Doesn't "A rather expensive and spectacularly mediocre..." describe just about anything at an airport?
  4. Miguel, thanks for the suggestion. I have some Cointreau but don't like it as much as Creole Shrubb or Grand Marnier (with Creole Shrubb my absolute favorite in margaritas).
  5. What did you think of the Boulevardier with Gran Classico? I should have made mine with HC modified proportions. I wasn't sure about getting the Griottine cherries but now I am glad I did (and bought the large container). They are really nice.
  6. Bloody Mary (with recipe). Yum. Also, I have decided that I love Sriracha sauce (originally bought for Jacob's Bloody Mary recipe). I put it on almost everything now: pizza, chicken, sandwiches, etc. I should add it to the favorite new things thread.
  7. Did you finally find a leg of lamb? Unfortunately, I had a crappy 2010 Dos Fincas Cab/Malbec blend with dinner. Not recommended. I did have a nice after dinner treat though: 4:1 ratio of Maison Surrenne cognac to Grand Imperial orange liqueur. Tasty. Thanks for the recommendation Jacob.
  8. Had a little taste and it is actually pretty good. It is a bit sweeter and has a lot less burn than Grand Marnier. It is really easy to drink neat - could be dangerous. I am not sure it would be great in a margarita because it is a little too smooth - will have to try.
  9. Hoped to pick up some more Creole Shrubb and Mandarine Napoleon but the little liquor store didn't have them. Instead, I picked up this bottle of Grand Imperial orange liqueur. Could not find any information on it online but the guy at the store says that it is as good or better than Grand Marnier and it was on sale for $20 (although usually the people at this store are full of shit).
  10. Boulevardier I think the Gran Classico is a little too sweet for this drink. I think I prefer Campari. 3/2 oz Eagle Rare 17yr bourbon 1 oz Cocchi Vermouth di Torino 1 oz Gran Classico bitters 2 Griottines cherries
  11. Didn't have time to drool over Mikey's beverages last night. Yum... want.
  12. I've thought of getting one of these. I am also paranoid.
  13. Damn, that really sucks. Hope you caught it early. I hate taking antibiotics.
  14. Nikon 40mm f/2.8 DX AF-S Micro lens I had some amazon cash and thought this would be nice as a light "all-in-one" outdoor walkaround plus closeup. It seems like a better length than the 60mm (on DX) for everyday use and is a lot cheaper. It probably couldn't do a great 1:1 macro because of lighting but there are many times that I am walking around taking pictures and I would like to take some closeups of flowers (closer than I can get with the 35mm non-micro). Also, the f/2.8 should be ok for outdoor photos. Should be able to take some decent food pictures as well. Plan to still keep the 35mm f/1.8 and 100mm f/2.8 macro that I have of course.
  15. Congrats Jacob! Sounds pretty cool (except for the lack of hardwood flooring).
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