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High Rollers
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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Seems to be sold at Cask as well. I will make sure it is in my next NorCal order. http://www.caskstore.com/kuchan-aged-peach-brandy.html
  2. What is the "Georgia" part? Some kind of peach liqueur?
  3. Cardinals beat the mighty Phillies!!!!! Cheers!
  4. Rum and Coke
  5. Cool Santa! We are on our way to Austin (for a conference).
  6. Happy Birthday!!!
  7. It was 87 and sunny here.
  8. Glad to hear you had a drink for that moment.
  9. Woohoo Yankees lose!!! Cheers!
  10. Good whiskey and Little Italy (definitely the way to go Jim!). Tried out the new Mint Julep cups earlier.
  11. Interesting, maybe I shouldn't immediately give away any pair of ipod earbuds I get... could be a useful gym phone?
  12. OK, approved.
  13. Tyll, were Yuin Pk#'s included in the anti-slam? Just curious.
  14. What kind of snacks?
  15. Why does this not surprise me.
  16. Swapped the proportions and it is definitely better, not as sweet.
  17. I could see that. I'll give it a try.
  18. Nice Birgir!
  19. Little Italy 2 oz Wild Turkey Rye 1/2 oz Cynar 3/4 oz Cocchi Torino sweet vermouth Fantastic drink. This one's for Steve (although I don't think he was much of a drinker).
  20. 2009 Lamadrid Malbec St Louis beats the Phillies, series is ties 2-2!!! Cheers!
  21. Already posted in the other thread but Steve is worth me saying it again: R.I.P. Steve and thanks for everything!
  22. Oh wow, what a sad day. R.I.P. Steve and thanks for everything!
  23. Nice, congrat!
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