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High Rollers
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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Glad to hear you had a drink for that moment.
  2. Good whiskey and Little Italy (definitely the way to go Jim!). Tried out the new Mint Julep cups earlier.
  3. Interesting, maybe I shouldn't immediately give away any pair of ipod earbuds I get... could be a useful gym phone?
  4. Tyll, were Yuin Pk#'s included in the anti-slam? Just curious.
  5. Why does this not surprise me.
  6. Swapped the proportions and it is definitely better, not as sweet.
  7. Little Italy 2 oz Wild Turkey Rye 1/2 oz Cynar 3/4 oz Cocchi Torino sweet vermouth Fantastic drink. This one's for Steve (although I don't think he was much of a drinker).
  8. 2009 Lamadrid Malbec St Louis beats the Phillies, series is ties 2-2!!! Cheers!
  9. Already posted in the other thread but Steve is worth me saying it again: R.I.P. Steve and thanks for everything!
  10. Oh wow, what a sad day. R.I.P. Steve and thanks for everything!
  11. Jealous of the rain Mikey. The Vesper looks good.
  12. I always try to forget statistics.
  13. I am curious about the PS500. Basically I wish I wouldn't have cancelled my pre-order of the HF2. I also want an RS1 or RS1i, maybe.
  14. Excuse no good, please try again.
  15. Why won't they just make me a 128GB touch?
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