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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Pappy Van Winkle 20yr - celebrating St. Louis winning the NLCS! Cheers!
  2. Sounds like an awesome weekend guys. Wish I could have made it. Please post impressions. Anyone listen to the PS500?
  3. ^Hmmm, weird combo but I guess it could be good. Has some Nebraska steak at a local restaurant tonight. Was ok but not nearly as good as my own Texas steak on the grill. Now: Habanero BBQ Almonds. Now these are good.
  4. 2005 Heitz Napa Cab
  5. Thanks for the pretty pics Jeff.
  6. Happy Birthday Vicki!!!
  7. Couldn't Care Less Bear woot shirt
  8. That does look about perfect to me! Found a place in Lincoln with a decent beer selection. Had a pint of Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale, Unibrowe Terrible, and Bouelvard Nommo Dubbel on tap. I really like the Weyerbacher Pumpkin.
  9. Yeah, the 50ml would be the way to go. I didn't get it cheap unfortunately.
  10. I've never had anything aged in a tin bucket with liquid smoke added to it. 4 years doesn't sound very drinkable though. I can call them up when I get back and beg them to take it back. Maybe they will be nice.
  11. I don't think they do refunds.
  12. Finally got a chance to stop by the Houston Wine Merchant before leaving town and check out the place. They seem to have a nice selection (although you have to ask about most things because they don't have much self space) and carry stuff that I can't find at the big liquor warehouse here. The guy who works there was fun to talk to and seemed pretty knowledgeable. He also said they would be happy to order anything that could be obtained here (in Texas). Picked up a few things too: a limited edition rum, arrack, Indian cask strength peated whiskey, and Germain Robin coast road reserve brandy.
  13. The Ri (or I guess Ri1) was perfectly drinkable but I don't know if I would buy an entire bottle. Agree with Al that it is not as good as Wild Turkey. Although, since the Ri1 sells here for $26 and the Wild Turkey 101 sells for $21, I wouldn't say that it is a "lot" less money. Perhaps the price is higher other places? Edit: I see that it sells for around $45-50 other places. I definitely would not get it for that price. $26 seems much more reasonable.
  14. Naughty monkey.
  15. Had some Ri (or whatever it is called) in the airport earlier today.
  16. Stuck in Denver flight delay- but only for an extra hour. How late does a flight need to be before they cancel? That pizza looks yummy!
  17. On the airplane, headed to Denver. Unfortunately it looks like I'll make my connection.
  18. I can tell you the outcome.
  19. I decided it was taking up too much space on my desk so it is in the main setup right now. (The Pico DAC is connected to the GS-1).
  20. I decided (after trying it in several drinks) that I don't like Dubonnet and poured the rest of mine down the sink.
  21. I don't think I would want to try bending it. I'll just have to do the obvious thing and get a 13" MBP.
  22. Arrive 8:25pm, leave for NE on a 9:42pm flight.
  23. Me too. My flight to Nebraska on Thursday has a connection in Denver. Maybe I'll get stuck there.
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