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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Went back to the orthopedic surgeon to find out about the MRI results. Turns out I have a hip labral tear. Options are (1) cortisone injections plus physical therapy plus probably no squats or sports that would cause it to tear more (2) surgery + physical therapy. I am leaning towards (2) becuase I don't want to have to go through life being a sloth and not being able to do weightlifting and play other sports. The problem would be to find a time that I could get it done. I am supposed to travel every other week until around January 10. There is usually about 2 weeks of crutches after surgery. Then I am teaching two classes in spring so it would be hard to take time off. This sucks.
  2. Well, I don't know much about brandy (you may remember me asking for cognac recommendations not that long ago) but I thought it was really nice and would definitely recommend it. I will have to have a little brandy tasting tonight to verify its deliciousness.
  3. Sure about that?
  4. A little more Germain Robin Craft Road Reserve Brandy for a break. I can tell that this brandy is not going to last very long.
  5. This!!! Nice!
  6. Good looking drinks guys. Wish I could join in more but tomorrow is a big deadline for letters of recommendation. Looks like a long night for me (yawn).
  7. Approved.... but wait, where are the Cherry Bitters?
  8. Germain-Robin Coast Road Reserve - so good and so much better than their Craft Method Brandy (formerly known as Fine Alambic Brandy). This makes me want to try the XO. I am glad I found a supplier that sells more than just the Anno Domini or XO here.
  9. Clicking video problem on NEX5n.
  10. Seriously thinking of getting a NEX7. I am just not happy with the speed of my LX5. Opinions? Seems a bit overpriced. I wonder if it wouldn't be better just to get a used NEX5 or new 5n. Does anyone know if the NEX7 will have to same clicking video problem that the NEX5n had? @Jeff: Did you sell your Nex5?
  11. Got my ass kicked in both leagues this week. My teams both suck.
  12. Drinking it (see drinking thread) - I am too lazy to return things. Basically I thought it was perfectly drinkable but not worth its price (perhaps it would be better in the $40-$45 range?). In its price range, I would definitely go for Laphraoig 18yr or Springbank 12yr for example. Not the most refined whiskey but certainly not as bad as you made it out to be.
  13. Happy Birthday Carl!
  14. The Whiskey Barrel-Aged bitters are awesome. Had a mini "shot" of them tonight. Also, I would definitely recommend ordering from the Boston Shaker: good communication, shipped really fast, and packed stuff really well.
  15. Got a little shipment from The Boston Shaker.
  16. Decided to open up the Amrut. I think it is pretty decent but probably not worth its price. For example, I like the Laphraoig 18yr and Springbank 12yr cask better. Still very drinkable though (I did decide to splash a little water in it). Perhaps I have a tin palate though.
  17. Wow Peter, that is beautiful!
  18. That tune is anything but relaxing (at least coming out of the MB Air speakers).
  19. The MRI wasn't too bad. I wasn't nearly as claustrophobic as I thought I would be. I was in a 3T Open Bore machine so it was actually pretty roomy. Though, there was no way that I was going to fall asleep. It was pretty loud! No JH13s but they did have headphones (worn over earphones and with music played really loud) that one could hook up to your ipod so I was able to listen to some Radiohead during the scanning.
  20. We started looking into refinancing. with a 10yr loan. I am surprised how long the process takes nowadays. Right now I'm waiting to get an MRI for a groin injury I've had for the last year and a half or so. Not excited about the process. At least I am at the place withe the roomiest machine in Texas - for the fatties I guess.
  21. Happy Birthday Peter!!!
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