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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Thanks for the advice, crutches expert Vicki. I got a pair of Vans slip on tennis shoes. Maybe I'll buy a pair of Milano Birkenstocks as well since they have a strap and my pair is pretty old. I am a little worried about taking off shoes and putting them on. It even hurts my hip a little right now to slip of my left shoe with my right foot.
  2. Vicki: That sucks about HR (and the patient of course).
  3. Yeah, Ric, you have no excuse. I know there is better vermouth in the bay area! For me: 2008 Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells Merlot
  4. Well, that was my third choice. NEX5n is boxed up and ready to go back and Jeff has a PM.
  5. Uggh, I got the NEX5n today and it does indeed have the dreaded video clicking problem. I will probably be taking more videos than normal since I have a new niece coming in December so this will be a problem. I don't want to send it into Sony for a "fix" so I will probably send it back to amazon. I was hoping that this one would be fixed since amazon was out of stock and so this one should be "new" stock from Sony. It is annoying that they aren't fixing them before sending them out. Now to decide whether to pick up Jeff's NEX5 or wait for the NEX7...
  6. I applied to 1 school and got in. It was a really stupid thing to do but I got lucky. 24 is definitely too many. I would guess 8-10 to be a good number.
  7. Still have that one on the list. Wanted to use the Small Hands Foods pineapple gum syrup that I just got. I don't think that my esophagus can take a drink with that much pineapple and lemon.
  8. ^Nice! Made a Pisco Punch but can't find the USB cable for the LX5 right now so no pic. Not my favorite drink either.
  9. I suppose I should buy an 007 or 009 then.
  10. You are right, I better get some more cupcakes.
  11. Finally got a haircut (got about 11 inches cut off... it was way too long). Feels great. Also talked to the Physician's Assistant and it looks like the surgery is going to be a go (they say I can travel after a few weeks as long as I don't have to walk too much and have access to a stationary bike). I am sort of terrified. Luckily I have a ton of work to do before then to keep my mind off it.
  12. Nice Jeff! You can use the monopod as a cane or for hitting people who dare to get in your way. Sorta. Ensenda claims they delivered it to the Rice mail room. Of course, they always do this right before the mail room closes so I have to wait for the next day to get it (UPS delivers it right to the department so I actually get it in one day like I "ordered." ) Of course, this is just one reason why I hate Ensenda and amazon for using these shitty companies. Let's hope that my package is actually there and hasn't been run over by a truck along the way. Sigh. Lasership sounds like it is run by a bunch of 12 year olds. Deepak: Nice!!! I may or may not be interested in the SR-007 MKI if you decide to sell at some point. Not really sure if I want to get one since I only have a KGSS and don't really want to invest in a BH right now. (Well, I do want a BH and SR-007, in fact might as well go for an SR-009, just don't feel like spending the money. )
  13. The Avenue 1 oz Blanton's bourbon 1 oz Daron Calvados XO 0.75 Passion Fruit syrup (sub for 1 oz passion fruit juice) 1 dash pomagranate juice (sub for Grenadine since I was using p.f. syrup) 1 squeeze of lemon juice (to cut the sweetness of the p.f. syrup) 1 dash Fee Bros orange flower water
  14. It's too big, this is my P&S camera. Good stuff.
  15. Very nice Antonio and Marc!!! Me: Sony NEX5n with 18-55 kit lens. I hope mine doesn't have the video clicking problem. I hope this will keep me from buying the NEX7 and I will *need* a lighter than DSLR camera once I get the hip scope. Also, I paid for 1-day shipping and amazon sent it via Ensenda again. Uggggh. I hate Ensenda. Last time this happened, I swore I would never pay for 1 day shipping again.
  16. Sounds fun Mark. I want to have a cocktail party (I certainly have enough booze).
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