Wayne, you look awesome! I wonder how many kids will pull on your beard to see if it is real.
Update on my recovery: I am still nervous about lots of things, mostly getting an allergic reaction to one of the medications... but I always worry about this when I start taking something new. In fact, the doctor wanted me to take Indocin for a month (which is supposed to inhibit bone growth) but the medication bottle says not to take if you are allergic to aspirin or other NSAIDs. Since I am allergic to Salsalate, I am probably allergic to aspirin, I talked to the PA and she said to just not take it (or anything in its place).
The good news is that I went to see the PA yesterday and she said I was doing as well or better than anyone she had seen. I have had very little pain. In fact, I have not felt much, if any pain in my hip. I have had very minor soreness in my neck, back and knees, from having to sleep on my back but nothing big. I think I am going to try to stop taking the percocet. I have only taken 7 total and those were just because I thought I should. I took one last night at 8:45pm and didn't take another one until 9am this morning, with no real pain in between. I suppose when I start physical therapy tomorrow, I may want to take one. (Although, since I am afraid of getting an allergic reaction to the percocet - I have had some minor flushing on face and neck, I would prefer to take as little as possible.)
I am getting more strength back in my legs too. Actually, I am feeling pretty good. It is frustrating that I can't just get up and walk around like normal - I suppose that might hurt if I tried.