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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. What about Amarra 4 and Perfectestwave?
  2. Funny you mention this. When I was young (maybe around 4 or 5), I was very frustrated and upset because I couldn't pee standing up... and supposedly, according to my mom, she found me more than once trying. Ok, enough of the TMI for now.
  3. Unfortunately he cannot go to the bathroom for me... and well women have small bladders.
  4. Hmmm, not very close to that so I thought Greg was maybe refering to something else.
  5. Hi guys. Everythng went well. The problem was slightly worse than they thought based on the MRI and xrays. It turned out that some of the cartilage was also comng off the bone. Also there was a little more excess bone than they thought there would be. Hopefull this doesn't affect the recovery time too much. So far not too much pain. I woke up out of surgery around 11:30am and just took my first pain medication, generic percoset, (I got general and regional anasthetia, a nerve block, and the regional anasthesia is just starting to wear off). The PA told me to not be conservative with the pain meds and to take two the first time and to continue to take it even if I don't have pan at the beginning. I hope I don't have to take them too long. I do have some muscle twitches but I am going to hold off on the valium til go to bed. Also, crutches are a pain. I almost lost my balance a cold of times trying to walk non weightbearing on them. My dr said I could do 20lbs weight bearing flat foot and it is a lot better. I am still a little afraid to walk aroung on crutches without my husband nearby though.
  6. Waiting for surgery. Very nervous and thirsty.
  7. I am an idiot. I thought my phone had no connection. Forgot about the double posts... I'm not going to change them since I'm using tapatalk.
  8. I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta? I'll bite, what is the HC trifecta?
  9. Almost forgot: Stax SR-007 MKI from Deepak!
  10. Same here. Although, I cannot see myself buying one unless it can grade homework.
  11. Raspberry syrup and Pellegrino (surgery is tomorrow morning so no more fun for me).
  12. Congrats Jacob! 7K will buy a lot of knives.
  13. Those drinks looks awesome Al, Marc, and Jim. Also, Jim is still the king of garnishes! Just had a bit of Rittenhouse 25yr Rye, it did not suck.
  14. Shouldn't one always do this, even with pizza. This reminds me that I need to buy another pizza stone (for those times when we have guests that also want to eat).
  15. Thanks guys. It is indeed a nice pairing. The HD800's are fantastic out of the Peak. Greg: You are correct, Reidel. You can never have enough lead in your life.
  16. Looks great Mike! Al, I wish I could try all those cocktail but will probably have to wait a while. For me: Apex & Apex! (That setup is temporary.)
  17. Never thought about using the pizza stone for baking bread.
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