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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. No bands yet, a lot of really little easy things (a lot of isometrics and passive ROM with a few active ROM thrown in). I need to vent. I am really really pissed right now. I have been using the CPM on a bed with an old mattress and 3" foam topper (so it is really squishy) and the CPM was set to 30 degrees until yesterday when I went up to 40 degrees. The machine felt a little off but I wasn't having any pain really so no problem. Well, in order to be a little more social, I had hubby move the CPM to the living room on top of my PT setup (which is a hard table with a exercise mat on top). I started using the machine and it just wasn't comfortable. I felt like the machine when it was going up towards 40 degrees was pressing my leg into my hip. Then I kept telling hubby that I thought the upper part of the leg was too short. When the guy "set up" the machine, I remember me lying in it (on the squishy bed), and he set the "calf" part of the machine to the right length but don't remember much else (I was a little drugged since it was the same day as the surgery). Well, I search online and find the manual. The first direction is to measure your femur and adjust the "femur" part of the machine. (He definitely did not measure my femur, hubby says so). I looked and it was just set on the shortest setting possible (which is 30 or 31 cm, cannot remember). I look up online about how to measure the femur. I do a very rough measurement and get about 16 inches which is about 40.5 cm! So basically, the guy totally fucked up (or didn't care).... it was way off. In fact, I checked by setting the machine at 90 on the setting he had it on with my leg in it but not strapped in and the angle was probably around 60 degrees (well, nothing near 90). Fucker! Now I have to worry if this has put enough pressure on my hip to set me back or mess up the surgery! I did keep trying to adjust and didn't use it too long like this since I knew something must be wrong so hopefully it didn't do too much damage. I am also not in too much pain, just a little more sore than before (not enough to have to take a pill). I think I am not going to use the machine until I go back to the PT tomorrow (perhaps they can accurately measure my femur) and call the doctor and call and complain to the company. Fuckers. Edit: And, I am pissed at myself for "trusting" that the person who is trained to set it up, did it correctly, that is so unlike me. Never again.
  2. Because of my surgery, I forgot to change my lineup before Thursday so I got stuck playing Tebow over Brady.
  3. Ok, found the other thread: Basically Toto is good except the monkey doesn't like them. Also American Standard Cadet 3 seems to be liked. No mention of dual flush vs regular flush. Oh, and I hope Jacob eventually got his toilet fixed.
  4. Any downside to getting a dual flush (problems down the line), besides price?
  5. Most likely due to their faulty website. Seriously, that sucks. Hope you get it soon.
  6. Yep, that is right, toilets. We need a new one. I know some people have done some remodels lately and Steve seems to be the bathroom remodel king queen. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or models/brands to avoid.
  7. ^Are you planning a tough winter in Texas?
  8. Went to my first physical therapy appointment yesterday. Did the home exercises today (16 exercises some twice/day)... damn they take a long time. Don't know how I am going to do this and go back to work next week (which I hope to do). Also, I am supposed to get 6 hours a day in the constant passive motion machine, guess I'll have to do this while sleeping. I am still having little to no pain so I didn't take any percocet today (I took a 1/2 a pill yesterday before the PT appointment but I don't think it was necessary). The only thing is that I now have a bit of pain in my good leg (probably from hopping around too much), my wrists (from the crutches), and my back/neck (from sleeping on my back). So I took 1 ibuprofren for those pains. Doing lots of icing all over.
  9. Ok, you want that back? I assumed it was a present. I was wondering why it didn't come with a bottle of FFF.
  10. Awesome "deal" on the D7000 Nate! I am definitely jealous.
  11. Wow, that is an impressive amount of time to be sitting. You certainly earned that FFF!
  12. Good to hear it was an easy fix. No fun to get a new toy and not have it work.
  13. That pepper mill is sweet! Love the bar stuff as usual Jim!
  14. Good idea. Guess that would have been useful to know now. I am guessing that there is no reason to believe I should be allergic to Percocet (since it doesn't contain an NSAID as far as I know). Just paranoid. I take ibuprofen, naproxen, tylenol as needed every once in a while with no problems (of course, I guess large doses can be different than just taking a few).
  15. For anyone who is interested, I posted the pics from my hip scope. http://i.imgur.com/Iig21h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/c9Ol7h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5GFZKh.jpg
  16. Wayne, you look awesome! I wonder how many kids will pull on your beard to see if it is real. Update on my recovery: I am still nervous about lots of things, mostly getting an allergic reaction to one of the medications... but I always worry about this when I start taking something new. In fact, the doctor wanted me to take Indocin for a month (which is supposed to inhibit bone growth) but the medication bottle says not to take if you are allergic to aspirin or other NSAIDs. Since I am allergic to Salsalate, I am probably allergic to aspirin, I talked to the PA and she said to just not take it (or anything in its place). The good news is that I went to see the PA yesterday and she said I was doing as well or better than anyone she had seen. I have had very little pain. In fact, I have not felt much, if any pain in my hip. I have had very minor soreness in my neck, back and knees, from having to sleep on my back but nothing big. I think I am going to try to stop taking the percocet. I have only taken 7 total and those were just because I thought I should. I took one last night at 8:45pm and didn't take another one until 9am this morning, with no real pain in between. I suppose when I start physical therapy tomorrow, I may want to take one. (Although, since I am afraid of getting an allergic reaction to the percocet - I have had some minor flushing on face and neck, I would prefer to take as little as possible.) I am getting more strength back in my legs too. Actually, I am feeling pretty good. It is frustrating that I can't just get up and walk around like normal - I suppose that might hurt if I tried.
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