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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. We too are doing a refinance right now. We debated for a while because we already refinanced once before. The paperwork is a PITA (especially when hopping back and forth from the comp to printer on crutches) but it will hopefully be worth it. (Seems to be the only way to make money nowadays.) We are moving to a 10 year loan and getting another 1.5% lower. I really hate that you can't tell who is going to carry your loan in the long term. Our last one was bought by Wellsfargo which we liked; now, who knows.
  2. Had a few sips of Vya Sweet vermouth after dinner tonight and it made me very sleepy. Edit: Nice Mike!
  3. All approved. I'm drinking Fitz's Grape Pop.
  4. I thought that was the plan... we were all going to move in with Al.
  5. That'll keep people from stealing them.
  6. Although, if I, at 5'2" were 270 lbs, I could just be rolled down the street.
  7. I haven't had any in a week plus but I love the Vya sweet vermouth. It kinda reminds me a bit of spiced apple cider in a way but that's what makes me like it so much. However, I am not so sure I like the Torino as much as I thought I did. I might go back to Carpano for whiskey based drinks like Manhattans, etc and keep another sweet vermouth (like Vya) for other cocktails. Once I am back in the swing of things, I am going to pick up some Perucchi vermouths (they carry them at Houston Wine Merchant).
  8. Thanks Vicki. What type of allergies are you getting tested for? I need to get allergy testing. By the way, I really hate crutches and *really* hope that I can start on 1 crutch or a cane in a week. A freaked out a little earlier because I looked at the rehabilitation protocol for hip arthroscopy on my doc's website and it was talking about 6 weeks of crutches and 12 weeks without being able to bend past 90 degrees or do any hip adduction (i.e. crossing legs). I looked back at the sheet I have and it definitely is 2 weeks before weening off crutches, and only 4 weeks of limited hip flexion and no adduction. I guess that is the old protocol and they haven't updated the website but it certainly did scare me. Also, I distinctly remember them telling me 2 weeks of crutches. I don't know how people can deal with 6 weeks or more of crutches. Do you wrists just get used to being in pain?
  9. Interesting science Jim! I had a half a glass of crappy wine out at dinner.
  10. I think the K701 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. It actually sounds pretty good out of the WA5LE.
  11. Went to work for a few hours and went out to dinner. It was nice to get out of the house, but now I am a bit tired.
  12. ^This, I don't know why we cannot have it there.
  13. I always forget this! Thanks Al for the reminder.
  14. Thinking of picking up a S95 and selling the LX5+bounce flash. The NEX5 is small enough that I can carry it around with me everywhere in my sachel so it is replacing the LX5 there. The S95 would be something I could pocket if I didn't have a bag with me (or I didn't want to be conspicuous). The LX5 isn't really that pocketable (at least in my jean pockets). Is Sony going to discontinue the S95 or should it be around for a while (with some good deals maybe around the holiday)?
  15. Looks like Jim is going to be beat *again*! What's up Jim?
  16. ... and you are stil kicking my butt. Does think bring back fond memories? Although, one of your bye week players was a DST which could get negative points so...
  17. Had a sip of wine tonight with dinner (no longer taking any "good" drugs) since I was upset about the whole cpm machine screw up and my hubby thought I should have a little to calm down. Still don't want to drink too much until I am off crutches since I don't want a little fall.
  18. I am getting my butt kicked in both leagues.
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