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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Luckily I ran into Ken of RWA on the shuttle to the hotel at CanJam 09 and he seemed like a real dick so I never had to worry about buying their products. The first time I listened to the LCD-2 was on one of the RWA amps at CJ10 and I was pretty underwhelmed. In fact, I told people I was very unimpressed with the LCD-2. Luckily I was able to listen to them on the WA6SE later in the day.
  2. shellylh


    I have a Lowepro Rezo 30 (I took off the extra flap and pocket on the front to make it moar slimmer and ghetto) carrying case, Olympus FL-36R bounce flash, and Olympus 202315 Adjustable Wrist Strap for the LX5. No fancy software. I'm not in love with that case though and would probably look around for something else. The Case Logic TBC-303 might be a better choice. This flash works great but it makes the camera quite top heavy and is pretty large (and costs almost as much as the camera). I obviously don't carry it around all the time. I originally bought the Nissin Speedlite Di 466 FT which is much cheaper but it didn't work well with the camera at all so I sent it back. Of course, the LX5 has a built in flash so you don't really need an external flash. I got this since I was planning to take only the LX5 to Christmas with me one year and my parent's house is always really dark. I like the wrist strap but wouldn't mind something that feels a little more rugged. I have thought about getting the LVF1 viewfinder but it doesn't seem worth the price.
  3. shellylh


    Send back the original?
  4. Good idea Greg. Peter, please send me In-N-Out burgers.
  5. shellylh


    Seems to be $259 but they are already waitlisted.
  6. shellylh


    Amazon deal of the day: Panasonic LX5 for $269 http://www.amazon.com/gp/goldbox/ref=pe_36550_21942570_pe_00_head Justin: You may want to cancel your order and buy this. Edit: Also, HD600 will be on sale again later today.
  7. Both approved! I was going to make a cocktail celebrating postop day 15 but got a headache that just won't go away.
  8. This is what the PA told me today when I asked her how far she thought I would be able to walk when I got off the crutches completely. Specifically, she reminded me that I was 2 weeks into a 6 month rehabilitation program. That made me sad. She did say that I was doing really great though and my walked looked more like a person around 4 weeks rather than 2 weeks. I guess all the physical therapy is paying off.
  9. This. lol. I also like the Vya sweet, I might have mentioned that before.
  10. Got my stitches out but have to wait one more week before going in a pool or taking a bath. No longer have to wear the hip brace I was wearing! Also got the ok to start weaning off the crutches. Rode the stationary bike for 2 miles using *both* legs (although still on resistance 1). Kinda sad that the muscles in my right=surgery leg are actually a little sore from that. Also sad that I only burned 36 calories.
  11. I like my LX5 - just wish it were smaller.
  12. Dinny: I would go for the LX5 over the G12. But if I were you, I would just get the S95. The LX5 is very nice and I like being able to use a bounce flash on mine (although the flash is just as large as the camera). But the LX5 is not pocketable like the S95 (it is more like a jacket pocket than pants pocket kind of camera). Also, I think S95 does better in low light than the LX5. I was hoping the S95 would go little cheaper than $289 (which is what it has been for the last week or so until it went up to $291) for BF/CM but I still may buy one at this price.
  13. Got my Blackrapid Sport-2 camera strap today. It is awesome - wish I could walk so I could take some pictures. The only thing that is annoying is not being able to use the RRS L-plate and tripod with having to unscrew the FastenR-3 every time. I guess there is the RRS quick release clamp option but that doesn't seem very secure. Anyone use the strap with the a quick release clamp? Edit: Just saw the Blackrapid FR-T1 fastener for tripods. Has anyone tried this? http://www.blackrapi...hardware/fr-t1/ Edit #2: NM, seems like the FR-T1 won't work. Colin - you need this strap, a macro, and a tripod. Get on it.
  14. Welcome home Lloyd! It must be nice to be out of the hospital.
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