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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Flew back home and got upgraded at the last second... my hip was much happier in first class. Best upgrade evar.
  2. Epson tends to make pretty good scanners.
  3. Sounds like the planes I took to and from Maui on United. I hate United. I now hate Continental for merging with United. Did I mention I hate United.
  4. Fitz: Please bring Manhattan in a Box.
  5. Flew to Atlanta. It is not fun traveling on crutches - or not having someone to get you stuff when you need it. I requested a handicapped room but I am not sure it is going to be so easy to take a shower in this hotel room. I should have made Tim come with me. Actually, I should have just canceled the trip.
  6. Yay Fitz! Thanks guys for all the congrats. I will definitely be spoiling niece v2 just like I did with niece v1. It's easier to spoil them when they get a little older though. Right now I am packing and trying to work on a talk. I am headed out of town for a conference this weekend. Not looking forward to the airport and traveling with crutches (and not having Tim to get stuff for me) but there is not much I can do at this point. Luckily, I am traveling with a friend/colleague who is staying in the same hotel as me though. He has even agreed to drive me around in a rental car around... sweet guy. I don't know what I would do without nice people.
  7. Cool! What area of town?
  8. I'll have to try this! Want.
  9. My brother and his wife had a baby today! So I now have two nieces. There were complications and they had to do an emergency c-section but everyone seems to be ok now.
  10. How is the Little Italy Manhattan Jim? Someday I am going to get back to mixing. First I am waiting to get off crutches and have a little more energy.
  11. Yay for Mikey!
  12. 2008 Norton Bodega Malbec
  13. I was hoping that it was a 4 or 5 year warranty. The email I have says "3-Year Advanced Exchange Warranty" and we bought it in Jan 2008 so I am guessing we are out of luck with that. I'll look into the LG.
  14. This might not be the right place for this but I didn't feel like starting a new thread. Hubby's Dell Ultrasharp 2407WFP-HC died (well, the on/off button is no longer working). Since I am disabled right now, I cannot really take it apart very easily and see if it can be fixed. So (unless someone knows a quick fix), it is time to buy a new one. I was thinking of getting a Dell Ultrasharp U2412M. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&cs=04&l=en&sku=320-2676 It will be used with a Macbook Pro 13" C2D, mostly for reading pdfs and writing up math documents with latex, a little bit of gaming (mostly "adventure" games). Any suggestions?
  15. Great pics Colin - I see you are having fun with your new toys.
  16. Good job on the weight loss Larry. Keep it up but don't overdo it. Sucks about your health problems. Fibromyalgia is a horrible syndrome (and lung disease surely isn't anything to laugh at). My mom has been struggling with fibro for the last 7-8 years and it can be really debilitating. I expect the weight loss and might exercise will help with the fibro.
  17. Happy Birthday! (Great picture Al.)
  18. Great pictures as usual Jeff!
  19. Happy Birthday!!!
  20. Happy Birthday!!!
  21. Congrat Chris!
  22. What is that Marc? XO, fine?
  23. shellylh


    I sent back the 5N because it had the annoying clicking video problem. I am not sure when that problem will be fixed but it is unacceptable for a camera at that price IMO.
  24. shellylh


    ^It's a very nice camera and a great price - I recently bought Jeff's from him (used) for $425 and I thought that was a good deal.
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