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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Thanks Peter. I have only been walking without crutches for one half of a day but it is already getting easier and my limp is getting better. Hope my leg muscles aren't too sore tomorrow morning.
  2. Just noticed the T2, very nice Al! Also congrat on the DIY work.
  3. One can never have too many sword canes.
  4. Meet your new best friend. http://www.archerliquors.com/ArcherLiquors/Home.html
  5. shellylh

    Audeze LCD-2

    I like the LCD-2 a lot but also prefer the HD800. Reminds me that I should probably try to figure out how to recable to LCD-2 at some point. I really hate the cable.
  6. Really sorry to hear about your dad Chris. I hope he pulls through. Thanks for the support guys. I started walking around a bit today without the crutches. It feels really weird and kinda scary. Maybe I'll carry my crutch around with me (without using it) until I feel more comfortable.
  7. Went to my 4 week post-op visit with the PA today. Got cleared for the next level of PT. She also told me to stop using the damn crutches! [Guess I am a little too cautious for my own good.]
  8. Celebrated signing the refi papers with a steak dinner and 2008 Ksana Malbec tonight. Recommended (the malbec, not refinancing). Now having a Ramazzotti and sparkling water.
  9. That really sucks Dan. Your HOI deductible must be a lot less than ours.
  10. I tried to convince my husband not to get a tree this year.
  11. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since my surgery. Having an early celebratory Liberal*! I do love this drink. *This drink took me like 5 hours to make, walking back and forth to the liquor cabinet, on one crutch, carrying one bottle at a time.
  12. Yum! I think I'll open up a bottle of Carpano Antica after I finish my PT exercises and refi stuff.
  13. My personal servant friend was stuck back in coach. Actually, the guy next to me offered to switch seats with him but I couldn't do that to him... my poor servant friend.
  14. ^How is it? I have been wanting to try out my walnut liqueur in some drinks. Since I can walk short distances with one crutch I should be able to get back to mixing!
  15. Flew back home and got upgraded at the last second... my hip was much happier in first class. Best upgrade evar.
  16. Sounds like the planes I took to and from Maui on United. I hate United. I now hate Continental for merging with United. Did I mention I hate United.
  17. Fitz: Please bring Manhattan in a Box.
  18. Flew to Atlanta. It is not fun traveling on crutches - or not having someone to get you stuff when you need it. I requested a handicapped room but I am not sure it is going to be so easy to take a shower in this hotel room. I should have made Tim come with me. Actually, I should have just canceled the trip.
  19. Yay Fitz! Thanks guys for all the congrats. I will definitely be spoiling niece v2 just like I did with niece v1. It's easier to spoil them when they get a little older though. Right now I am packing and trying to work on a talk. I am headed out of town for a conference this weekend. Not looking forward to the airport and traveling with crutches (and not having Tim to get stuff for me) but there is not much I can do at this point. Luckily, I am traveling with a friend/colleague who is staying in the same hotel as me though. He has even agreed to drive me around in a rental car around... sweet guy. I don't know what I would do without nice people.
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