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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Congrat Jim! Now you have more time to do research.
  2. Times seven
  3. shellylh


    Thank you Dinny!
  4. Yuck.
  5. This.
  6. Only if it's duck fat popcorn.
  7. It is already making my head spin... so much that the glass look crooked.
  8. shellylh


    That is tempting.
  9. That sounds a lot better than 1:2 ratio of bourbon to water! Having a little Knickerbocker before dinner.
  10. Welcome back Justin.
  11. Very nice Mike! Al: I've never had Bourbon and Branch. Looking up the recipe it seems to be bourbon and a lot of water??? Watery bourbon sounds yuck. Maybe would be ok with sparkling water?
  12. Thanks! We tried out a "new" restaurant (Branch Water Tavern http://www.branchwatertavern.com/) with great food and a really nice bar that I will have to check out some more in the future... lots of bourbon/ryes and nice cocktails.
  13. Pappy Van Winkle 20yr - celebrating my anniversary
  14. My condolences Chris. I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to lose a parent. Hang in there.
  15. shellylh

    Audeze LCD-2

    Ok, that is good to know. I am currently using a pair of "old" (not sure of the year) RCA JAN 5u4g ("coke bottle" shaped) so hopefully these will last for a while. I also have a pair of the Sophia Princess 274b but maybe these might fail faster than the mil-spec RCAs. I noticed that the glass on the SP 274b is darker than the glass on my SP 300b tubes (and I think darker than when I first got them). I wonder if this is due to the design of the power supply in the Woo products or if this always happens with the SP 274b.
  16. Yuck indeed.
  17. shellylh

    Audeze LCD-2

    That is good to know. What kind of timeline is this, months, years? Can one test or look for signs of this? Would the tube just measure with a short life in a tube tester or is it more complicated?
  18. shellylh

    Audeze LCD-2

    These statements concern me a bit (as an owner of a Woo WA5-LE). Is sounds like you are trying to say that there are issues with the design of the Woo amps. I assume this is the case for the WA5-LE as well. Are these issues actual safety/reliability issues like in Mikhail's amps? I surely don't want a 300b amp blowing up or causing a fire, etc.
  19. ^Approved!
  20. I am a fan of the Stinger as well (but the 3:1 ratio was too minty clean for me). Wish I had that Creme de Menthe.
  21. That is debatable. :evil: That (static electricity) is what I thought. With a quick search, I did find something at HF on it but didn't know whether to trust the OP. http://www.head-fi.org/t/310723/fyi-basic-guide-to-in-ear-canalphones-rev-4 "10. Static Electricity Discharge through IEM It is possible to experience a static electricity discharge though IEMs. In a cold climate with low humidity, a static charge may build up on one's body. The cable that carries the audio signal from the headphone jack to the IEM has metallic wire inside. This wire is also a path to ground through which the static charge can travel. Though one's ears are touching the plastic parts of the IEM, there is metallic wire inside. A static charge often has a high enough voltage to leap from one's ear to the metal inside of the IEM, discharging the static electricity via the cable and into the device playing the audio signal, e.g., CD player or MP3 player. The amount of electrical current in such a static discharge is not harmful, though the discharge itself can be startling. It is important to note that such static discharges are "acts of nature" and do not indicate that one's IEMs are defective, nor will the static discharge cause harm to the IEM. Note: If you are regularly shocked by your headphone, it could indicate a leakage in the wiring. You should contact the manufacturer for repair in such a case."
  22. I have a friend who asked me a headphone question that I couldn't answer. He has a pair of Ety ER4P and recently got shocked in the ear while wearing them (he was walking and was wearing a fleece if that is relevant). I haven't ever experienced this myself. Is this not abnormal or should he contact Etymotic about it? Sounds painful.
  23. Wish I could stay up and kill some bottles with you Mikey but it is time for bed.
  24. Blanton's, Carpano Antica, and cherry bitters.
  25. Happy Birthday!
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