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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Vicki, It is great to hear your mom's surgery well.
  2. Margarita (aka Imperial Daisy) face-off: Mandarine Napoleon vs Creole Shrubb 2 oz Casa Noble Reposado 1 oz orange liqueur 1 oz lime juice Both were a little too limey for my taste but the Creole Shrubb was far superior IMO. Earlier, I tried sipping the MN and wasn't very fond of the smell.
  3. Congratulations from Tim and me (one from each)... and good luck.
  4. Redbreast 15yr Hmm, something to think about. I definitely don't have any proper place to store them.
  5. Locally, from Graham, Taylor, and Fonseca, these are the vintage options (the 750ml 2003 Graham or the 2009 Fonseca are around $100 unfortunately). No Dows vintage but they do have a LBV (actually, there are quite a few LBVs from different producers). Also, there are some Croft vintage 2000, 2007, and 2009 (and the 2009 at 375ml for 40.99). I am not sure why they sell so many 1.5L and not very many 375ml! I guess they sell to restaurants? So I guess maybe the Fonseca 2007 or 2009 is in order (or a Dows LBV). GRAHAMS VINTAGE PORT 2003 750ML 106.99 GRAHAMS VINTAGE PORT 6/CS 1.5L 141.80 TAYLOR FLADGATE VINTAGE PORT 2007 1.5L 199.99 TAYLOR FLADGATE VINTAGE PORT 2009 1.5L 199.99 TAYLOR FLADGATE VINTAGE PORT 2009 750ML 97.57 FONSECA VINTAGE PORT 2007 375ML 50.27 FONSECA VINTAGE PORT 2009 375ML 50.31 FONSECA VINTAGE PORT 6/CS 2007 750ML 103.46 FONSECA VINTAGE PORT 3/CS 2009 1.5L 199.99 FONSECA VINTAGE PORT 6/CS 2009 750ML 97.57
  6. Can one find a vintage port for under $100? (I assume you meant "real" vintage ports and not LBV or Colheita or some other port with a year on it, right?)
  7. I guess you haven't seen my team.
  8. I have been tempted to pick up a pair of Adam A5x many times (never heard them though so I cannot tell you how they sound). Reading online, it seems that some prefer the Dynaudio BM5a/BM6a (also haven't heard these). I have a pair of Audioengine A5 and while they are good to use with my tv in the bedroom, I am not sure I would be happy with them for music (except background music) since they are kind of boomy. I am happy with the Quad 12L actives but wouldn't mind something with a front port so I could put them closer to the wall.
  9. With a new bottle of port open, I decided to get back to the Anvil list (guess I have about 20 left). Port Flip 2 oz port 1 tsp sugar 1 whole egg* Shake with ice, strain into wine glass, and shave nutmeg on top. This was actually pretty good (and a good use for this port). *Yes, I am a wimp and used a pasteurized egg.
  10. Cockburn's 10 year tawny port. Perfectly drinkable but a little too light bodied and sweet for my taste. Need a bit more nuttiness too. I liked the last port I had quite a bit more: Kopke 1991 Colheita. Need some recommendations for ports (Greg? Mikey?)
  11. Oops, I guess I temporarily forgot how to read.
  12. Got some great pictures from Peter!!! (They arrived at the office a while ago but I was just able to pick them up.) Now I just need to find a place for them on the walls. Thanks Peter, they are gorgeous. The one with the blue sky is my favorite. Hubby won't believe it is a real picture though.
  13. ^ Hope you have a lot of red wine to go with that.
  14. Espolon Reposado and Creole Shrubb Margarita. This does not suck.
  15. Unless my Team Suck has quite a game next week, Deepak will be the League 1 champion.
  16. John, maybe you are higher up on the Kinsey scale than you thought.
  17. ^This! Sorry to hear about the lack of improvement Mike.
  18. Yep, Cocci. I am celebrating my return home (and my first class upgrade earlier today) with a Manhattan.
  19. Vicki: Sounds like you are having some really tough times. Sorry about your father. Hope you mom gets better. Like Nate, not sure what more to say.
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