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High Rollers
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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Hanging out at Newark airport. Anyone else happen to be here?
  3. That sounds good.
  4. Glad to hear of the improvement Mike and love the eyepatch!
  5. Just noticed this at TTVJ: "They're back - Stax! After a short absence from TTVJ, Stax is back. Look for their whole product line on our site in the coming days. This includes the new SR 009 headphone!" I only see the SR-009 listed at this point.
  6. Heh, just noticed that Tyll is Grampa Headphone. Is that new or have I just not noticed?
  7. This. I really like my HD800.
  8. Happy Birthday Knuckles!
  9. Sucks Duggeh. At least you saved the beer. By the way, that looks kinda small for a summerhouse. Perhaps I've lived in Texas too long?
  10. Note to self: buy some Domaine de Canton (need a way to use up the FB). Ooh, just saw that they have a 375ml bottle of DC at my place. They should sell 375ml bottles of everything!
  11. I like Nitro. Also the pup is super cute. Wish I could have one.
  12. Started watching Lie to Me. Pretty good.
  13. Bonal and Rye face-off! I think I agree with Jim that the subtlety of the Mandarine Napoleon is slightly nicer in the end that the sweetness of Shrubb. They are both awesome though.
  14. Congrat Deepak and congrat Jim! Interesting that you each have Drew Brees on your team. I am going to have to pick a better QB next year. I am tired of second place.
  15. I like the green but I am not sure if you should take decorating advice from a nonpracticing lesbian.
  16. Looks like a good substitute. Glad you got to finally celebrate the New Year with Claire, Al.
  17. Opened some more presents today with Tim's family. From my wonderful hubby, cheers!
  18. You really should shoot for 24 this year. Glad to hear you are still alive.
  19. Happy New Year and good riddance to 2011!
  20. That is quite a bit of Russian Rivern! Everything is bigger in Texas.
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