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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Because of the damn white chair, I was thinking about bookshelves. I noticed that the MA RX2 has an 8" woofer. So I am thinking that this might be an alternative option to the RX6 since I could put it on stands high enough so that the white chair didn't block so much of the sound. Of course, maybe an 8" woofer just means that the sound is not as tight.
  2. Thanks for the offer Marc but I am leaning towards some speakers where I can have a matching tweeter (and they have to have HAF). I disconnected both speakers from the amp and opened them up. I checked resistance across both tweeters and woofers and they were about the same (~0.6 ohm for tweeter and ~5.8 ohm across the woofer). I should note that my multimeter reads ~0.3 ohm when I put connect the two leads). So it looks like I am going to have to disconnect the tweeter before I can really test it? Another question: If a speakers has a blown tweeter or short or something, could this damage my amp? I have been using my new amp and the damaged speaker for the last week. I would be *very* sad if I had damaged it already. For now, I have disconnected both speakers and am using a pair of old BB Insignia bookshelves in their place. The amp seems to be ok.
  3. I guess I can always move the chair when listening to music or watching movies. Maybe I can find a smaller chair to put there and then it won't be quite as bad. I am leaning towards the RX6 right now. The dealer isn't open today unfortunately and I wouldn't have time to go during the week. Do you think I could get a significantly cheaper price from the dealer than audio advisor? Jacob: Any suggestions for competent bookshelves? I guess I can go back to the Sierra-1 option (although, they only have a 5.25" woofer which seems kinda small).
  4. Thanks Ric. The 22L2 look nice but I just noticed that they are only 33.5" tall. Wonder if this might not be a good combination with the white chair. I am not sure that even I like the look of the Paradigm Studios. Too much metal/silver. I am sure they sound great though.
  5. Right now after more thing, I think the Ascend/Sierra-1 are out. It is between the MA and Quad 22L2. I didn't think about the front port on the MA. That could be handy. I think the Quads are slightly better looking. I can get the Quad 22L2 for $1196.99 a pair from STO Sound and Vision who claim to be an authorized dealer. Does this seem to be a good price. I found them from ebay where they have a 100% feedback score (and ~1000 transactions). They are selling the Quad L2 center for $386.99. This would be slightly cheaper than the MA RX6 plus center from audio advisor. I like the Quad 12L actives that I have in my office. Do you think I could get a better price from a local MA dealer (I *hate* haggling and am no good at it. Actually I really hate going to stores in general)? Do you think I should try to find the Quad locally (if I can find a store carrying them) rather than having them shipped? Maybe I should just ask hubby which he likes better and just order that. I'm sure they will both be good. Also, the only time I would be able to be home to receive the speakers until May is during our Spring break which is a week away so I would probably need to order stuff soon.
  6. I have a pair of AV123 X-SLS towers that are having issues. I am probably still going to try and fix them (and do something with them) but I never really liked them. They sound really dark and muddy. Oh well. They are fine for HT but I am thinking that maybe it is time to get some new speakers. I may also get a new center and surrounds (I have some crappy Cambridge Audio works stuff for that right now) now or later. The sub is also an AV123, is ok but it hums so it is off most of the time. I'll probably get a new sub at some point if needed. I assume that my center should match the mains as much as possible. Here is my setup: I will be using this mostly for HT but if I had better speakers, I would probably use it more for listening to music. I have a Marantz SR6005 that I just bought. This will be driving them. If I listened to music, it would probably be with the Logitech Touch -> Marantz (not sure which DAC would be better). Wondering if it would have trouble driving any of the speakers below (e.g. the MA are 6 ohm). The new speakers need to be at least as nice looking as the X-SLS for hubby to let them in the living room. No giant black speakers. They need to have lots of wood (nice looking) and cannot have woods sides with a black front. AUDIO SECTION Power Output (8 Ohm) 110W (20Hz - 20kHz, 0.08% THD, 2ch driven) x7 Here is my setup. Not much room, the speakers (38" x 8.5" x 12") have about a foot of breathing room behind them. The room is maybe 18' by 14' (didn't measure) but it is open to the rest of the house on a couple of the walls. Also, hubby likes the white chair there. It kinda drives me crazy having it in front of one of the speakers. These are the two options I am thinking of now but I am open to suggestions. 1) Monitor Audio RX6 in rosenut (plus matching center either now or in the future) I demoed the RS6 in store a while back and liked them but that was a long time ago and, of course, everything will sound different at home... and these presumably sounds slightly different. My worries: There are complaints that they are too bright but these could be from people that like muddy sounding AV123 type speakers. 2) Ascend Acoustics Sierra-1 bookshelves in natural + CMT 340 center (or perhaps Sierra-1 center). I loved the CMT-340's that I had and if they passed the HAF, I would definitely just get the whole Ascend system. Unfortunately, they are big and black and won't be allowed. (Hubby didn't even like them when I had them in the office). My worries: The obvious that they are bookshelf speakers with 5.25" woofers. These would definitely need a subwoofer. They seem to be great for music but maybe not quite as nice for HT. As for centers, I would like to get the CMT-340 since I don't like the idea of having a non-symmetric center (the matching Sierra-1 center) but am worried that it wouldn't match up as well as the Sierra-1 center. If I got these, I would probably also get the HT-200 for surrounds. 3) Quad 21L or 22L Didn't have this on my list at first but I think this may be a good choice. Need to look into this more. Edit: Cannot find out where a dealer in Houston is. Stupid Quad website. Others: Axiom also also looks great but there are many complaints of it being too bright (brighter than the Monitor Audio stuff). It may be fine for HT though. I'll have to look into this more. Aperion Audio's stuff looks great and is cheap but I am afraid that it might sound muddy like the X-SLS. I looked into Paradigm but not sure it would pass the HAF. Maybe the Studio line would be ok (and probably sounds great). Basically since I am mostly using this for HT, I don't want to spend too much money but want to get something that looks nice and doesn't sound like crap.
  7. Haven't gotten around to opening it up again. I may do it today. I have thinking more and more about getting new speakers for the living room. I never really liked the sound of the X-SLS that much. I did really like the Ascend CMT-340 SE that I had in my office a few of years ago but they are pretty ugly and wouldn't get the hubby approval factor (basically, hubby wants nice looking speakers - no giant black speakers). Since I like the Ascend products, I was thinking of getting the Sierra-1 with some stands but I am not sure they would work that great for HT being bookshelves. I haven't heard them but it they are better than the CMT-340, I am sure they would be great. The other product I was thinking of was Monitor Audio RX6. I heard the RS6 a while ago and liked it but my listening preferences may have changed since then. Many others complain that it is too bright but these may be the same people who like the muddy sound of AV123 products. Maybe a new thread is in order.
  8. Happy Birthday Steve!!! Glad to have friends like you.
  9. Duracell Powerpack should do the trick. Jim's suggestion is a good one. I got spoiled by the ipad's week long battery and get annoyed that I have to charge the Air.
  10. John, I have the 11" Air and love it. Carry it with me everyday. Never carry my 15" MBP when I travel anymore but I do use it at home sometimes (usually when the battery dies on the 11"). The screen size is fine and the and keyboard is great. If I was doing serious work, I would use an external monitor though. Would probably use one even with a 15" laptop unless I were traveling. I do really wish the battery lasted longer - that is my only complaint. I wouldn't trade it for the 13" Air because of the battery though. I love how light and small the 11" is.
  11. Not bad for a So Cal rig.
  12. Heh. I try to stay away from conversations dealing with numbers.
  13. My niece really loved the penguins there. Fun! Not fun!
  14. Ok. I didn't think there would be enough space that way (getting to the crossover and other things through the woofer driver hole). I will try that tomorrow (and see if something is obviously disconnected). Yes, I can remove the tweeter. Do I need to desolder the tweeter to test it? (I am assuming that is what you meant by disconnect).
  15. OK, tried to open up the speakers but couldn't figured out how to do it. They seems to consist of pieces of wood that are glued together and I don't think I can get them open without completely ruining them. Guess I will be looking into options. Have any suggestions for nice looking (i.e. wood colored), decent sounding floorstanders that don't cost a fortune. Would be useful if they also have matching surround speakers and center channel since I might go that way as well. Hubby won't let me have giant ugly black speakers.
  16. OK, first I am going to try and figure out how to open this up. Not sure what I will do if I can figure out how to do that. I tried taking off the tweeter from the front but I couldn't see much that way. Thanks for the offer Steve. I'll let you know if I get desperate. I do have an extra pair of crappy Best Buy speakers sitting around that I can use if these drive me crazy too much. Maybe I should just start thinking of getting new speakers...
  17. As I was setting up the New Marantz SR6005 receiver, I noticed that the sound coming out of the right front speaker was much lower than that of the left. I don't seem to be getting any sound out of the tweeter on that speaker. These aren't super great speakers (av123 X-SLS tower speakers) so I don't want to put much money into them. However, since I have spent a bit of money on audio stuff recently, I don't know what I want, I don't really want to get new speakers right now (eventually I will probably and get a full new 5.1 setup). Is there anyway I can check if the tweeter is blown? If so, could I get new tweeters (probably would need to get new tweeters for both so they match)? Would these be easy to install (I can do basic soldering). Could this be a crossover problem?
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