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High Rollers
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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Yep, the Continental-United merger is just full of fun and games!
  2. Spent the weekend grading exams, finally finished! Now for some not very fun administrative stuff (I have about 100 emails to forward and/or respond to about a summer program I run). Sigh.
  3. Definitely not the average spring break activities. . Have agreat time with the family!
  4. But can you use the ipad2 as a seat warmer?
  5. shellylh


    That is pretty cool.
  6. Happy birthday Al. Sorry about the work madness.
  7. ^This. I am curious about the Fidelio L1.
  8. Cannot be perfect since Samoas > Tagalongs.
  9. Probably too many wee drams that got me here...
  10. Happy belated Brazilian BBQ birthday!
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