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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. ISTJ on the 2nd test Introverted (I) 59.38% Extroverted (E) 40.63% Sensing (S) 60.47% Intuitive (N) 39.53% Thinking (T) 81.48% Feeling (F) 18.52% Judging (J) 61.11% Perceiving (P) 38.89% Your type is: ISTJ
  2. Damn, that is scary Jacob! Seriously glad it wasn't a stroke! Man that is weird, you did get checked out by the ER and didn't just self-diagnose and leave right?
  3. Please fax. Don't bother with the brussel sprouts though.
  4. Wow, you guys are making me think I should have bought more. I just got a mere 4 bottles. 1 x Rebel Yell 1 x Elijah Craig 1 x Evan Williams 1 x Rittenhouse Rye
  5. Hmm, I must be working to hard and seeing things.
  6. No I haven't tried a factory reset. I'll try that when I get a bit more free time. Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
  7. What is worse than writing rejection letters is getting the call from the parents (the program is for high school kids) asking why their straight A perfect child was rejected. I better not answer my phone tomorrow.
  8. How did you make your KGSS wireless?
  9. I've spent about 12 years here and they haven't kicked me out yet.
  10. Spent the weekend sending acceptance and rejections emails for a summer program I run (we had over 225 applications for 20 spots). Now its about time to tackle my taxes and write a big check to Uncle Sam.
  11. That is pretty impressive at your age.
  12. My Nexus S updated to Android 4.0 yesterday. I don't like it - the phone seems sluggish and my alarm clock ringer is gone. grumble grumble.
  13. That is pretty good Dan. Flying back to Houston. The trip to the Bay Area was far too short but I have to teach tomorrow. It would have been great to see Mikey and others. Next time.
  14. I agree with the monkey... that looks awesome!
  15. Flew to Berkeley today for a quick trip. Unfortunately, no time to try and get together with any Norcal folks. Going to try and get some Pliny on tap tomorrow night though. By the way, I never thought I would say this but flying Southwest Airlines is so much better than United/Continental. Too bad they don't have more direct flights to places I want to go.
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