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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Damn, just finished and submitted grades. Will hit you up next year.
  2. Dinny, I don't know anything about the VR but like my 18-200 VRII. I pretty much just carry around the 18-200 VRII and/or 35 f/1.8 (for low light or better bokeh). If you are running around with kids, you are probably not going to be changing lenses much and the 18-200 is great for that. Of course, I would love to have a 70-200 f/2.8 but that is too much $$$ for my photo skillz.
  3. Sorry Salty. More final exam grading for me.
  4. Finally read the Hunger Games. Certainly an easy book to get immersed in. Guess it's time to see the movie.
  5. I would like everyone to know that I survived the long trip on bread and water alone. I could tell by the look on the other passengers' faces that they were relieved to know that there was no killer sharp spreadable cheese on board. It's a good thing that I decided to keep my very large snow globe and hot sauce collection at home... I would have surely been locked up for such contraband.
  6. Had my sharp cheddar cheese spread taken away from me going through security at the airport. WTF. Now I just has bread.
  7. My brother's phone is dying (only works about half the time) and I want to get him a cheap unlocked replacement (AT&T). He has data service right now. Newegg has the Palm Pixi plus for $65. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16875101040 Is there anything better around this price?
  8. Sorry Bryan. I am finding that Iowa City isn't so bad. At least I can get some Founders and Bells. Kinda reminds me of Bloomington, IN. It's really quiet here though.
  9. On my way to the great cornfields of Iowa City.
  10. I grade all upper division and grad class exams myself.
  11. Let the final exams grading begin! :fakesmile:
  12. Uhh, I would rather pay for good than listen to something I hate....
  13. Thanks for the offer Tyll but I have Netflix so I'll just go this route. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  14. Thanks for all the great recommendations. This should get me started and maybe I can sort out what exactly I like. Tyll, I will definitely take you up on that offer if you are serious.
  15. Looks like maybe I should look into Mog. I forgot about Bill Evans. I have The Paris Concert of his. I like it but it doesn't call to me like the others above. I have Dave Brubeck's Time Out. I'll try Take Five.
  16. I have some Coltrane including A Love Supreme and it is ok but maybe not my favorite.
  17. I am curious about the new F series from Adam. They are supposed to be cheaper than the A series (and still front ported which is nice). http://www.adam-audi.../f5/description
  18. Jeez Al. That really sucks. I am sorry you have to go through with that. I can imagine how scary that phone call must have been. Hope your dad gets better and makes is to his 90th.
  19. I have been getting into jazz lately and was looking for recommendations. Here are some of the albums that I have and like a lot. Looking for more of this type of jazz (not sure how to classify what I like - maybe modern jazz?). Dave Holland - Extensions John Abercrombie, Dave Holland, Jack DeJohnette - Gateway John Abercrombie, Dave Holland, Jack DeJohnette - Homecoming Joshua Redman - Compass Miles Davis - Bitches Brew Miles Davis - Kind of Blue Charlie Haden - In Montreal Chick Corea - Now He Sings, Now He Sobs Keith Jarrett - The Koln Concert and other albums of his Don't really like big band sounding jazz or jazz with voices. Suggestions please!
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