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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I see that the older one didn't but the new one does.
  2. I thought the WD live didn't have wireless built in.
  3. Hmmmm...
  4. Excellent choice!
  5. Please fax the tasty looking brisket!
  6. Except this has to be as simple as possible (no extra computers) since hubby and friends/family need to be able to play stuff without my help.
  7. I didn't mean cable internet, just cable tv. Let's be realistic.
  8. I would like to move my cable modem and router into the office (one room over from the tv with not much of a wall in between) so to avoid having to use a splitter and remove clutter from the living room. However, most of our tv watching is watching steaming video through netflix or mlb on the ps3. Does anyone have experience wirelessly streaming with the ps3. The router I have is an newish Airport Extreme but I think the ps3 is restricted to wireless g (not 100% sure). I guess I could get an Apple TV for the living room if needed since I stream to those in other rooms and it seems to work well.
  9. Spent a good part of the day standing in line at Comcast to replace our faulty set top box and then on the phone with them when the box wouldn't activate. Sigh. Maybe it is time to get rid of cable.
  10. ^Awesome! Congrats, one for both of you!
  11. Will you have a suitcase full of Dreadnaught when you come down here to kick my ass off the couch?
  12. That looks awesome. I need to do some smoking this weekend!
  13. Thanks for the good thoughts. Ugh, this doesn't sound fun. Talked to a woman at PT who is on her 2nd hip scope in 2 years (both hips). She said that she didn't feel back to normal until after 1.5 years. I am hoping for something more like 1 year.
  14. Spent 1.5 hours at physical therapy doing nothing but stretching and foam roller stuff. My hip has been really hurting me since Tuesday. This is quite annoying since it wasn't hurting me this much 3 months ago (or even a week ago). I guess I have been pushing myself too much and now I am paying for it. Guess I should just sit on the couch like a sloth and get fat.
  15. I vote for battery life.
  16. I'd be curious how that compares to the 18-200.
  17. Thanks. I'll let Lance know that you said we should have drinks. I am sure he'll find time for me. I'll also tell them that he should go back and finish he degree.
  18. What a great game to catch with your son Al!
  19. No PB in the house? Glad you are feeling better.
  20. I like the new Airport express. http://www.apple.com/airportexpress/
  21. Dinny: This is why they make Old Overholt.
  22. lol, yes, that would have been quite embarrassing.
  23. Had an interesting experience today. Walked into physical therapy today and started talking to the PT. PT: Have you seen the doc (surgeon) yet? Me: Nope, I see him tomorrow. PT: Yeah, he has been on vacation for a while. Me: Yeah, I tried to get an appt but they told me he was on vacation then I find out that he is going to do surgery on Lance Berkman. (Sarcastically) I guess Lance is more important than me. PT: (Pointing in back of me and talking softly) Lance is right behind you. At that point, I look over a three tables over is Lance Berkman (there is nobody between us, the place is usually pretty empty on Tuesday mornings). Luckily he is wearing earbuds so I don't think he heard me. I felt like an idiot. I am a big Berkman fan so it was pretty cool to see him.
  24. It is important to learn how to shoot booze.
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