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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I will be at a math conference that weekend (in October) again so it's a no go for me. I'm hoping the November gathering in Austin works out.
  2. Wouldn't mind having some of that right now.
  3. Happy Birthday BBQ Mike!
  4. Thanks for the support!
  5. Played tennis (poorly) for the first time since surgery. My hip feels pretty good too.
  6. Happy Birthday Birgir!!!
  7. R.I.P. Mr. Griffith
  8. Happy Birthday Greg! Hope you can find a bottle of wine older than you.
  9. Please fax the beignet.
  10. Happy Birthday CJ!
  11. Looks like we will miss each other by a day.
  12. ^That was the last book I read before the Hunger Games series. I wouldn't recommend it (not that you were doing that). Just saying. Sorry Jacob.
  13. Thanks for all the Portland (Oregon) suggestions! I am really looking forward to the trip.
  14. Happy Birthday Justin!
  15. Happy Birthday Scott!
  16. That's more like it. We'll might have to take the bike for that trip though, it is a whole 10 blocks away from the hotel. I guess I should add Deschutes brewery to the list as well.
  17. I don't like seafood.
  18. Bought tickets to fly to Portland (for vacation) and made reservations at the Monoco (a Kimpton hotel) in downtown Portland. Can't wait to go. Suggestions for things to do besides ride around on a bike, eat doughnuts, visit some parks, and do basically nothing? I try to make a habit of not accomplishing anything but breakfast before noon on vacation.
  19. Hope they can get the fires under control and hope they don't head your way. Big fires can jump across a freeway so I don't think (of course, I am not an expert) that cutting some trees/shrubs near the house is going to help that much unfortunately.
  20. shellylh

    Storm Watch

    Yuck! Do you have a battery powered cable modem? Also yuck!
  21. Great minds think alike (pirate) Mike! We also had a meatless Monday, cooking quinoa for the first time: quinoa and black beans sauteed with garlic, tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, lime zest, lime juice with a bit of fresh cilantro on top; swiss chard and arugula/spinach salad on the side. No pics as it is already happily in the tummies.
  22. Hope the neck pains get better Haj.
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