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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. First bid on the gas problem, not good news: ~$11,000 and it will take 3-5 days. They basically want to run all new gas pipes from the meter in the back yard to all the appliances. The other problem is that they need to also tear up the deck because we have very little space in our back yard that doesn't have a deck or tree. Didn't really like that deck (and the wood is rotting a bit anyway) but it does keep our entire backyard from becoming a jungle. We knew the bid would be high (since this place is a well known good but expensive plumbing company in the neighborhood) but I was not expecting quite that high. We're going to get at least one more bid to compare it to. Time for the gym so I can get a warm shower and then a drink. Edit: Could have bought a really nice bike + SR-009 for that cost.
  2. Seems we probably have water in one of our gas pipes somewhere. So now we the gas turned off and have no gas until it is fixed and will have to pay a plumber (most likely) several thousand dollars to find where the water is leaking in.... FML.
  3. Came home from vacation to find the water heater and stove not working well. Gas company here right now. Guess the vacation is officially over. sigh...
  4. Is it a cake or donut? It looks delicious.
  5. Just had a not so fun flying experience on United where I had to wait in line for an hour - not exaggerating - to check a bag and was stuck in a window seat near the back that did not recline. Luckily my hubby gave me the window and took the middle. I forgot how much it sucks not to be elite. Can't wait to get home and have a drink.
  6. Fuck Jacob, that sucks. Hope things can be resolved soon.
  7. (Many) congrats! That is super awesome Dusty!!!
  8. Do you think hotels will fill up quickly?
  9. Dinny, buy planes tickets and I will meet you at the bar.
  10. Note to self to put in Netflix queue.
  11. More new favorites: Highland Park 18yr - just brilliant Aberlour 16yr
  12. Constructing the homemade BBQ rain tent was worth the effort (although I overcooked the ribs a little).
  13. I will be at a math conference that weekend (in October) again so it's a no go for me. I'm hoping the November gathering in Austin works out.
  14. Wouldn't mind having some of that right now.
  15. Played tennis (poorly) for the first time since surgery. My hip feels pretty good too.
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