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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Update on our gas stuff. Long boring version: I was getting kinda worried about whether everything was set up correctly since the guy who hooked up the gas (who was from the subcontractor of the gas company) was a complete idiot - in case you forgot, he first hooked up our gas to the wrong pipes, sending gas into our house and then he caused a rather quick but large explosion in our house. So we called up the gas company and complained about him, thinking that they should also know. They, being rather worried about lawsuits and, hopefully, our safety, sent the guy's supervisor and someone from the gas company to our house *very* quickly. They checked everything out and did a pressure test for leaks and everything was fine. They also switched out the scorched appliance connector under our sink. Oh, and it sounds like that guy is probably going to be fired (mostly because he never reported the incidents to his boss). Now I feel better and the world is a safer place without that guy working on gas lines (at least for now). Short version: Everything is A-OK.
  2. Jeez Greg, Glad that didn't hit you or crash through your house!!!
  3. I am interested in being in a league but don't know anything about auction, challenging or Dynasty leagues. As long as it doesn't cost real money, I am ok with it.
  4. That doesn't look too good Brent.
  5. Pot Roast Grilled Cheese - good combo (except it needed better cheese). I need to make this sometime.
  6. More issues today: permit wasn't actually "pulled" before the work started on Thursday when the company though it was because their proof of liability insurance wasn't updated on the official Texas website.... so then it took a while for the inspector to come out... then the guy from a subcontractor of the gas company that comes out to install the gas meter is an idiot and connects the meter to the old gas pipes and tells us there is a huge leak (yeah, because those pipes are are not connected to anything), he finally calls his boss and his boss figures it out... then he lets out the air in the new pipes by opening a valve under our stove and let's out too much gas into our house, lights the stove and creates a giant flare up under from under the sink - flames were about 4 feet says hubby (luckily I was not there for that and no one got). After running the air conditioner for a couple of hours I cannot smell any gas anymore so I think we are finally in good shape. Sigh... I think I need a drink.
  7. Congrats on making the decision Jim. I always find that to be the most difficult part of the process. It is awesome how efficient the new AC units are and how good they are keeping the humidity set at the right level. We really noticed a difference when we replaced ours (I assume the heater should be better too but we don't use ours much here). Hope you don't have to get new ductwork as well.
  8. Saw this earlier today and it made me quite sad. What a great scientist and role model! RIP Sally Ride.
  9. Sorry to hear that Jim! That is certainly not cheap. I can completely empathize with you. Perhaps it was caused by the Louiville Slugger - people better stay away from that drink.
  10. I could even live with a 24" retina cinema display. Very funny. Could work if you had a nice 50" screen.
  11. After getting used to the retina display on the ipad3, all other screens look so pixilated. I need a 30" retina cinema display.
  12. Brisket and pork ribs. That hits the spot!
  13. Time to move or start hugging a lot of trees.
  14. Greg, you obviously live in California where it actually gets cold sometimes. That is a good idea and hadn't thought about that but I don't really see a firepit/outdoor heater in the future (for the three cold days a year we get here). Also, I refuse to use a gas grill - charcoal all the way!
  15. Ha, I wish. Here is the progress so far. They haven't had to pull up too much of the deck.
  16. This makes me feel better about our decision. Also, thanks for the suggestions about mapping the lines! That is a great idea.
  17. After thinking about our options, we went with the going for broke plan. They started things up a bit yesterday but the big work started today. We now have big trenches in our backyard and caution tape up. They are going to work tomorrow (probably not Sunday but didn't ask) and it is supposed to be a "3 day job" so hopefully it will be done on Monday. Luckily, the air conditioning guy came by today and we just had a bad start capacitor which was relatively cheap to replace (and luckily they had the part in stock). Now we have nonstop airconditioned fun. We also no longer had the small drip in our wall that started the other day when the plumbers started messing around with the hot water heater which broke the old pressure/temperature valve. At that point, we found out that the stupid people who lived here before us had the temperature/pressure drain going into the wall instead of having the pipe go all the way to the ground. And no *new* problems!!! Matt: I know you guys in FL are terrified of gas but there is no way I am using an electric stove.
  18. Heh, that is what I feel like right now.
  19. and now suddenly the downstairs air conditioner isn't working properly.... i think i need to scream or cry or something.
  20. The problem is that it is in the gas lines not water lines... there is water in the lines but it is not running water or leaking out of the lines. Also, it is somewhere in our back yard under the ground so they would have to dig up the whole back yard. They also claim that the city won't let them fix old corroded gas pipes (our house is from 1940) which I believe. I think the main problem is that there may more than one point where they might be corrosion. There are also spots under the house which may be old an causing problems. Gas is something that is dangerous enough that I am willing to err on the safe side.
  21. Yes it would... sadly it does not.
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