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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. shellylh

    IPA Day

    Might be able to find something I like. Does a DIPA count?
  2. Used the mirror display on Apple TV feature of ML with the Air today to watch Olympics. Worked nicely. I like this option better than using the ipad since I am not such a fan of the NBC Olympics Live Extra app (too difficult to find what you want and I hate trying to get the screen back to landscape mode after choosing an event to watch - why can't we just use the app in landscape mode all the time???).
  3. I would say good luck CJ but that might jinx you. Sorry about the neck/shoulder spasms Haj.
  4. Tried something similar with the hubby - no workey - he's too smart.
  5. I never thought about it but I guess it makes sense (that multiple users will slow a system down). I wouldn't have thought that it could slow down the machine significantly though. I have an admin account (that I generally don't log into) and an account that I use on a daily basis for security reasons. Do you think this is significantly slowing down my machine?
  6. Thanks for the sympathy guys... I am sure the dark cloud will leave sometime.
  7. Yes! Well, let's hope they agree to fix everything as new. Until I get a lucky charm, I am staying far away from things that can cut off body parts.
  8. We usually always have our car in the driveway but we had it on the street for about an hour and.... our neighbor just backed into our car. Will the bad luck never end? Sigh.
  9. Olympics, of course: Women's weightlifting (48kg weight class - snatch), USA vs Col women's soccer, USA vs S. Korea women's volleyball, men's gymnastics. How am I supposed to accomplish anything in the next two weeks?
  10. I am going to install ML on my Air later today. If all goes well, I'll do the MBP15. However, I realized that I also never upgraded the MBP15 to Lion (it has 10.6.8 right now). Should I upgrade directly from 10.6.8 to ML or first upgrade to Lion and then to ML. I am guessing the former.
  11. Sorry Al. Good luck Jeff, although I doubt you need it.
  12. Thanks for the morning laugh! Also, I just assumed possum was opossum shortened but now I see that possum is the name of a whole different species. I should start saying it correctly.
  13. Found a cute little possum hiding in the backyard. Poor thing, they probably dug up his house when installing the gas lines.
  14. Marc, I am coming but not going to the race. I don't sleep on couches and floors anymore so probably a room for 1 - I could chip in (not sure if hubby will be interested) - or I can stay in a hotel if there is something nearby.
  15. Jeez, I haven't gotten around to installing Lion on my MBP15 yet! For some reason I had decided to stay with Snow Leopard on the Mac Mini but I cannot remember why now. Maybe because of MTR (vfree).
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