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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Will donate tomorrow! Kick some butt Karen.
  2. Just finished Ready Player One. It was cute - kinda like a 80's videogame version of Harry Potter IMO. Now I need to find another bedtime reading book. I started the Great Gatsby but I don't know if it is going to work well for helping me go to sleep.
  3. Ugh, no fair that they have The Bruery there and not here.
  4. What did he suggest you bring back for us?
  5. ipod classic with 128GB (or more) flash storage would be mega awesome!
  6. Too many new cameras! I can't look at this thread anymore because I have to save my money for BHSE and/or SR-009!
  7. The one thing that keeps me from jumping on the iphone is the lack of a Swype like keyboard. I don't suppose iOS6 has something like that built in does it?
  8. No 128GB ipod touch... grumble. You know what I really hate about my Nexus S - crappy battery life. I think this is enough of a reason to switch to the iphone5.
  9. or tell you to go to PT and they will tell you to ride on a bike. Don't you do spinning Dinny?
  10. This PPR scoring is screwing with my head. McFadden gets 21 points without a TD. Foster gets 26 rushes and 2 touchdowns and get only 20 points... I need to rethink the whole game. Why is the Def scoring different in the two leagues? I think I may have asked this last year.
  11. Setup Ubuntu to run off a flashdrive to use Xournal on my (digitizer) tablet (Motion Computing LE1700). I am so sick of Windows so if I can handle using Xournal instead of Windows Journal, I am going to make the switch. Why can't Apple just make a convertible Air/digitizer tablet? That would be the ultimate! OK, maybe an Air is asking a bit too much... maybe a convertible MBP. [Also, I know about the Modbook and I don't want another slate tablet.]
  12. shellylh

    Oz Fest!

    I might be able to make it in Feb.
  13. I guess in an emergency situation, I might try aloe or mint (haven't tried before) but I always have at least 2 bottles of repellent at home and work. I usually use something with picardin or lemon-eucalyptus instead of deet. The mosquitoes love me and I have a allergic reaction to the bite which lasts for about a week - not gonna take chances (especially with the West Nile around here now).
  14. Yeah, I'm not too upset by Akers. This PPR is really changing the scoring system. RBs don't seem to be nearly as valuable as before unless they can catch the ball as well.
  15. Are you counting out the Audioengine A2 or just the A5? I suppose they might be a bit big (and I haven't heard them).
  16. I am assuming this is what you mean? It's the same with 10.8. The "natural scrolling" is really annoying. System Preferences > Trackpad > Scroll & Zoom > unclick "scrolling direction: natural" http://howto.cnet.co...roll-direction/
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