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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Like I can remember much from that meet.
  2. Shit! I might get one for $2000, but that is crazy.
  3. Got a real sports massage at the physical therapy place that I used to go to. That was the most painful massage I have ever had but my shoulder (and back) feels better. I see the ortho surgeon on Monday. Also, got an email from Justin saying I had to pick colors for the BHSE. I think I am going all black (although the gray might look nice - need to find some pics). Does the gray have a purplish tint or is it just in the picture. I think this is gray (it is Asr's). Another pic. Dinny, what are you getting?
  4. Have fun Mikey! Not that I was truly worried but thanks Steve.
  5. John Zorn - Alhambra Love Songs Thanks Ric, I really like this album.
  6. Yep, I saw that picture as well. Glad it wasn't in high-def. I found out a little more from a colleague of his. Evidently there is a little more to the story than I knew about. I'm probably ok, phew.
  7. Found out that one of the mathematicians I know (not that well but I have met a few times) had a nervous breakdown and stripped naked in front of his class at MSU. He wasn't very old or all that crazy to begin with. Edit: To be fair, I should say that he certainly wasn't crazy to begin with that I knew of. Pretty scary.
  8. No Spotify. I made an account at some point but never tried it out. I suppose I should.
  9. ^Forgot to get some of that. Ford Farm Cheddar Oakwood Smoked
  10. I updated my MBP (main home computer) to Mountain Lion today. I think Airfoil is still useful in Mountain Lion especially since SoundSource no longer works in ML. Airfoil has a dropdown menu bar where you can choose which audio source transmits to which device. I cannot find a way to do this in ML without AirFoil. Sometimes I like to have music going to Airport Express but system sounds going to computer, etc. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.
  11. Never tried the DLiii but I am quite fond of the PWD.
  12. Netflix works great on my AppleTVs and PS3.
  13. I hope Marc is still going to have a place for us to crash. When I talked to him a couple of weeks ago it seemed like that was the plan. I looked some time ago for hotels in Austin city limits and there were none. The track seems to be pretty close to the airport, probably 30 miles from Marc (my guess). I haven't checked hotels near the airport. Jeff must own a few houses around there. We should just take them over.
  14. By the way, I like this place if anyone is interested in Mexican food and we are anywhere near town at some point. We probably need to make reservations but not too far in advance. http://www.fondasanmiguel.com/
  15. Is anyone going to be hanging out with me, not watching the races?
  16. Nate, I have a Capresso Infinity Burr grinder and I like it. I looked into grinders at some point but decided I (like you) wasn't ready to spend $250+ on a grinder. You could also keep a watch on the Baratza refurb store (I've seen the Virtuoso on there but it seems to not be in stock right now). http://www.baratza.c...n&category=RFRB
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