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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. For me, it is either 0 or (almost) 5 depending on whether it should be a legal marriage. 385 + 0 = 385 or 385 + 4.81 = 389.81
  2. Thanks! Is that new to ML or has this been around for a while?
  3. Yep, I just found out that Soundsource 2.5 works still (but not 2.5.1). You can can 2.5 and other older versions here: http://www.rogueamoeba.com/legacy/ I don't like having to go to System Preferences to choose sound output. That is why I wanted to use Sound Source or the new Audio Hijack.
  4. My doctor looks at them on the computer. That is funny. I don't understand how a person could stand to have a 90 minute scan in anything but the open or open bore. Shudders.
  5. Saw the orthopedic surgeon today about my shoulder and he sent me for x-rays and an MRI. He said that surgery will probably not be needed but I guess I will find out more on Friday when I see him again after the MRI and x-rays. The MRI experience was *not* fun and evidently I am still claustrophobic. Last time, I was in an open bore MRI machine, the one they use for obese and claustrophobic patients, and it was feet first (for my hip). That machine has a much larger bore. The one I was in today was a regular size. I didn't think about this (since I had a relatively good time last time) before they started putting me in the machine (telling me to breathe shallowly so it doesn't move the shoulder - yeah right). As I started going in, my eyes were open and I started freaking out and felt like a was hyperventilating. I closed my eyes and calmed myself down, telling myself that I could get out if I needed to. I survived, didn't scream, and didn't get out in the middle but it still wasn't fun. Back to the MRI for fat people next time. Also, how do large people fit in those things? I felt like I barely fit.
  6. I do believe your wife is insane for even having a desire to run a marathon (let alone multiple marathons) but I congratulate her nonetheless.
  7. Of course - I have Reggie Wayne (40 pts) on my bench and decide to play RGIII this week (3 pts).
  8. I was wondering if you were there last night. Guess you're not going to make the game tonight either. I never had any drawers like that in Korea.
  9. Sold my LCD-2!!! (to a HCer of course - Mr Sneis)
  10. Congrat to Andy and Michelle! They seem made for one another. So, not a lot of upside down margaritas at the wedding? Happy Birthday Ben!
  11. Sounds like a pretty god day to me... even though I don't have a baby around.
  12. Thanks for the responses. Also, didn't realize it was so easy to remove the battery.
  13. I am thinking of selling the Stello stack in my office (HP100 and DA100) and just using the Pico Dac/amp there with the AD2000. The Stello stack is probably better but most of the time I am working (or at least pretending to work) so I don't think I will really notice much of a difference. The thing I don't want to deal with is plugging and unplugging the amp when it needs to be charged. I think the Pico stops charging the battery when it is full and runs off the PS so I don't think there will be a problem keeping it plugged in, right? The only thing I thought of is that a rechargeable battery seems to discharge over time so it may often be discharging a bit and then charging. Just making sure this isn't going to damage the amp or degrade the battery too much so that is unusable for travel.
  14. Obviously Justin should have a Hog Hunter option with the BHSE.
  15. They seem much more practical, just a little funny looking.
  16. They dark gray looks pretty sweet but I think I have decided to go with an all black (BHSE) since I think it will go better with the rest of the gear. If anyone has a pic of the black and grey next to one another, I would love to see it. Spikey or rubber feet? My stand is not perfectly level because of the ever shifting foundation under our house but it isn't too bad. I have a Sanus audio stand so the surface is a bit slickish.
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