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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. He didn't want you to feel too bad.
  2. Ouch Naaman!
  3. I seem to always have someone on my bench with 30+ points.
  4. Standing in line to get some St. Arnold Pumpkinator. Should be writing letters if recommendation.
  5. Happy Birthday Vicki!
  6. Have fun with your dad Al! Tim is jealous that you are at the game (of course, he'd be rooting for three other team).
  7. I would like this recipe if you can send it.
  8. Agreed that the Shures are too big (and they were quite uncomfortable to me) but you can get a straight cable for them now. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001O8UAV6/?tag=hyprod-20&hvadid=15474686139&hvpos=1o3&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1546381471718560536&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&ref=asc_df_B001O8UAV6
  9. Yeah, it makes me sad but I do like bench press a lot so hopefully I can get back to that soon. At this point, I have had some sort of major/minor injury for so long I would just like to get back to being whole.
  10. Want donuts dipped in espresso!
  11. Scott, I was just reading your post again about the S iii and I realized that I cannot even get close touching my thumb to fingers when holding the Google Nexus so I'm guessing the S iii would be way to I big. On another note, hubbys flip phone is dying quickly. I'm trying to convince him to get a smartphone so gee doesn't borrow mine all the time. Any suggestions for small non smartphones that don't suck. Also if I convince him to get a smartphone, he's not going to want to pay very much. I can maybe convince him to get a 2 year contract and pay 99 for a Galaxy Nexus. Do you think this is a bad idea? Unfortunately his phone may die before the new Nexus comes out. We are on Sprint. Is there a better choice?
  12. Unfortunately it is one of my favorite exercises and was, by far, my strongest lift. :(
  13. Saw the ortho surgeon today. No tear in the rotator cuff! There is a small bone spur that is probably causing the inflammation. So no more overhead press for life doc says (he says that incline and bench press will be fine after PT). Got a cortisone injection today. Back to PT for me.
  14. Go Giants! Also, I was happy to see the Reds lose (although they did have a good season).
  15. You do (deserve it)!!!
  16. Now that's the way to travel!
  17. Wow, that is impressive. How many hollow bits are there and how long did it take?
  18. But a mechanical keyboard will be louder in general... "While it's still a bit louder than your run-of-the-mill membrane-based keyboard, the Quiet Pro is very quiet by mechanical keyboard standards."
  19. By the way, if you have misophonia, do not see the movie "Eat, Pay, Love" - awful.
  20. Yeah, I think some sort of gel pad under the keyboard may help. I don't think the virtual keyboards may work since it seems to be the pounding on the keyboard that drives me crazy. I tried "typing" with two fingers on the surface on hubby's IKEA table/desk and it makes quite a bit of noise still. Hubby seems to think you need to kill each key (even though the keys on the Apple keyboard doesn't really need to be pressed very hard). I noticed that the Logitech MX5500 keyboard that I bought to use with the PS3 is a fair amount quieter (but it is bluetooth and takes up too much space). Too bad I don't have time in the next month to get to Micro Center to try out keyboards. Glad to know that there are crazies out there. Pretty much everyday I want to punch someone for eating "loudly." The worst is when someone decides to bring something to eat during a nice quiet seminar and they always seem to sit next to me and then its really hard for me to concentrate on the speaker. I also had a lot of trouble when I was in China because of the way that people eat there. I wonder if there is a larger percentage of people who are irritated by noises (to the point of wanting to punch someone - I guess it's called misophonia) in the headphone community. One of the reasons I originally got into headphones was to drown out outside noises so I could concentrate.
  21. Ok, yes, very funny. I use headphones most of the time but I cannot or do not want to wear them all the time. Plus, sometimes there are quiet passages.
  22. Hubby and I share an office and the pounding of the keyboard drives me crazy* (ok, technically it just makes me really upset, not crazy). Right now he has a USB Apple keyboard. The problem is that he uses two fingers to type and hence pounds on the keys. Please help my marriage by telling me there is a quietish keyboard solution out there. *This is probably related to my other noise issues like people eating, etc. So, if there is no such keyboard, I would appreciate the name of a good shrink or drugs.
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