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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Kudos to you Vicki! I'll donate when I'm back in town and have a more secure internet connection.
  2. Glad everything is ok Dinny! When Ike came through Houston, we were without power for a week (luckily only a week as some friends were without power for 2 weeks). It wasn't horrible but we did have power at work so I could recharge the phone/laptop. Also, we had gas and water so we could cook and take showers. Next time, I will get some battery powered fans though. I guess most heating systems require electricity for the blower? So no power = no heat? That is not fun!
  3. Just realized that I am going to have 7 players with a BYE week this week. So without waiver wire or trades, I am playing with 1 RB, no tight end or kicker. Looks like you are in for an easy win this week Nate.
  4. Nothing like what the East coast is getting, but Sandy has brought some nasty mix of snow and rain here in Michigan. I'm not used to driving in this stuff and certainly did not pack for this kind of weather.
  5. Damn. Thanks for the info Grahame.
  6. Oh shit, that can't be good (ConEd explosion).
  7. What kind of data plan could one get for the Nexus 7 with HSPA+? I would like something to use when in Europe except that I only travel there once a year or so. Could you get service only when you needed it and would it be a PITA. I think the 3G ipad had/has something like that. Pardon my ignorance but I have been a Sprint customer since ~2000 so I don't know about these GSM chipses and stuffs. I guess there will be no Nexus 4 for Sprint. Later?
  8. You may want to look into the HSU HB-1 MK2 ($300 a pair). I know nothing about them except what Naaman said but I trust his opinion. Here are his comments. "Last but not least where the Hsu HB-1 Mk2s. I almost didn't go into the room because I figured he was just showing off his subs and the boring black box bookshelves were just there to fill in the upper end of the sound spectrum. Boy was I wrong. They sounded really good, better than 90% good. And that isn't even taking into consideration their price. At $300 a pair it almost made the rest of the rooms seem silly. The rest of his system was super simple and very un-audiophile. Sony DVD player source, Onkyo integrated, zip wire cables to the speakers. It was almost comical how cheap it looked compared to all the rest of the rooms. One thing he did have that many rooms didn't was lots of sounded panels around the room. "
  9. Happy birthday Xavier and yay for Allison!
  10. I only have slow math skills so it probably wouldn't be so helpful on that exam.
  11. You should turn the power back on Jim, it would be much easier to see.
  12. Why force every purchaser of an imac to pay for an optical drive when very few of the population is going to use it? I would much rather pay for one external drive once that I can use with any computer than to be forced to keep purchasing one every time I buy a computer.
  13. Hubby got the Galaxy S iii tonight. Any suggestions for battery life. Is the LTE going to suck the battery life out of it? They also had the Galaxy Note 2 to demo (and said it was available starting tomorrow) but it was just too big - like using a small tablet as a phone. The GSiii is way to big for me but hubby always complains that the keys on my phone are too small so hopefully this will be a good size for him. Hopefully the GSiii is new enough that it will be zippy for a couple of years.
  14. Unfortunately, I just realized tonight that my mom will be visiting me during that time so I am out for sure too. We really need to have a Texas meet in the spring. I could organize more in Houston but downtown Austin might be more fun.
  15. ^Ouch. Just checked and found out that I actually won a game this week. Thought I was for sure a goner in both leagues.
  16. Tim the Hubby is sad but at least the loss is to the Giants. Kick some Tiger butt! (Oh, just realized that I will be in Tiger country during the WS.)
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