OK, so I started thinking and looking more into Chromebooks and as long as she has internet at her mom's house (I think she does but I just need to make sure), I think this might be a good way to go. They have flash I think so she should be able to play barbie.com and things like that. Also, there seem to be a lot of games in the app store now and one can use google docs offline. Also (for now), she shouldn't have to worry about getting viruses and slowing down her computer. If she breaks it, it is also only $200 so not much lost.
Unfortunately, I soon found out that they are sold out mostly, at least the nicer Samsung $250 model is. But then I noticed that the Acer (a bit clunkier with standard harddrive with 320 GB instead of 16GB SSD) is available at google play for $200 which is damn cheap. So fearing that it would go out of stock, I went ahead and ordered it and figured that I could send it back if I decide against it (although google does have a 15% stock fee).
What do you think? If this is a bad idea, I have a couple of days to cancel since it says that it will ship in 3-5 days. I would rather cancel before it is shipped to avoid the restocking fee and shipping costs.