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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I suppose nobody wants to hear me complain about how it's not a Wacom digitizer.... I still may get one.... grumble grumble
  2. I can definitely tell a difference (at least in the taste tests I've done). I like Rain and Luksusowa. I should really try Chopin though.
  3. Got a new I2S cable from Ps Audio! Also got the GS-1 upgraded modules from Justin earlier in the week! Can't wait to upgrade the GS-1 and PWD this weekend.
  4. RIP Luvbug. Sorry for your loss Dusty. ((((hugs))))
  5. Sorry Dusty. :( I cannot think of much more to say.
  6. Very nice Jacob! I got a 9" Darth Vader Mill (aka Unicorn Magnus Plus) for Christmas. It is pretty damn awesome... lots of pepper per turn and easy to change it from coarse to fine.
  7. I thought that was a subset of physics.... butI suppose there must be engineers that specialize (or have to take classes in this) in fluid mechanics. What subset of engineering would this be? Civil?
  8. I finished watching both Seasons of Carnivale. Really wish they would have continued this series.
  9. I've been told that I need to go to Antico Pizza the next time I am in Atlanta so I expect a trip there.
  10. I didn't think that anyone except physics, math, and electrically engineering majors learned about tensors.
  11. Interesting that they say it's was originally $449 here so only $50 off. Still probably a good speaker for the price. http://emotivapro.com/products/powered_monitors/airmotiv5.php
  12. Now if only that were filled with egg, cheese, and chorizo!
  13. The Audioengine A5 are quite good for a TV setup (if you have some sort of way to get analog out). We used them with our bedroom TV until my Quad actives died and I switched them to a desktop.
  14. That's not maths... that's stats. Got a medical massage today for my bicep tendonitis. Have to start teaching next Monday and I have been neglecting the PT I'm supposed to be doing.
  15. Congrats Jacob, what math class? That sucks Haj but at least it wasn't the main account.
  16. Those would probably both be ok. The weekend of April 20st is also bad since I might be running a conference that weekend.
  17. We have the last day of classes on April 19th. The weekend of May 11th is graduation and I'm required to attend that. Plus, I have two PhD students graduating and they would kill me if I missed the hooding ceremony.
  18. I may be interested after classes are over.
  19. ^Whoa Chris! You are quite good at gaining and losing weight.
  20. So jealous Mike and Gene! I need to find a way to move to S. Florida. It is too damn cold in Houston.
  21. Happy Birthday! Hope it's just how you like it.
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