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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I do believe so. Here is a pic of the modules I took when I first got them. I can open the amp up and take better pics tomorrow if you want. I think Justin has some pics on HF in the GS-1 thread. Nevermind, I found them (from http://www.head-fi.org/t/112029/the-gs-1-thread/465#post_8795651).
  2. Put the new modules in the GS-1.
  3. Five guys is ok but In-N-Out is still better. I would trade our Five Guys for an In-N-Out anyday!
  4. A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
  5. Nice Vicki!!!
  6. Sorry Al. Hope surgery is worth it in the end though.
  7. I'm guessing you are getting money back.
  8. Good idea Al. I'll look into it and see if it is feasible.
  9. ^Looks great John. Damn, the SLT is a great price! I'll head over there this weekend and take a look at them. I switched out the plastic knob on my Le Creuset for a metal one.
  10. It was excellent. If only my tummy were bigger though. As I was making dinner, I thought to myself how it would be useful to have a larger enamel-coated cast iron pot to cook for larger groups. The one I have is 4.5qt. Then I remembered how expensive they are. Maybe that would be a good dual Christmas gift from both sets of parents. I should check out the difference between the Lodge and Le Creuset and Staub.
  11. The results. Delicious.
  12. That *would* be spectacular! Drool.
  13. Beer does sound better than water.
  14. I have always wanted to make carnitas. Do you know a good recipe? This is the one that I've looked at before. http://smittenkitchen.com/blog/2011/11/homesick-texan-carnitas/
  15. Beef short ribs before going in the oven. Now to wait for around 2.5 hours...
  16. Happy Birthday Mike! Do they sell Dark Lord birthday cake at FFF cuz that would be awesome.
  17. John, we steam Swiss chard about once a week and it is really great (similar to spinach, around 15-20 minutes in our steamer). I like to put a little butter on it but you don't have to. Last week we made "Polenta with Garlicky Greens" (from the book mentioned in the link) which uses spinach and swiss chard. It was also very good and easy to make (we usedabout twice as much garlic though). http://edibleventures.blogspot.com/2010/01/polenta-with-garlicky-greens.html?m=1
  18. Well, there is that...
  19. Well, since I already bought all the other ingredients, I'll go ahead and cook them this time (even though I do have plenty of vodka).
  20. Not raw, using a variation of this recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/beef-short-ribs-recipe/index.html (but I may brown them on the stove instead of the oven), and it will be tomorrow.
  21. Another cooking question. I bought the beef short ribs yesterday and they were packed in the plastic container. I waited too long to cook them today so I'll have to make them tomorrow. However, I had already taken them out frigerator for a short time and rinsed them in some water (the temperature was probably about room temperature... it certainly wasn't that cold). Thus they heated up a bit while before I repacked them in a paper towel and press and seal and put them back in the fridge. I am worried that this may cause them to go bad before tomorrow. Should I be concerned. They certainly smelled fine today.
  22. Damn, just realized that this is right around the same time as Jazzfest in New Orleans. I was thinking of trying to go but I guess I'll have to wait til next year. I think it would be super awesome to have a Travel Team get together in NO during Jazzfest, maybe next year. Anyone interested?
  23. I am curious about your opinion about using cheap wine for cooking. I am planning to make some beef short ribs tomorrow and I bought a bottle of $3 "Cul de Sac Cabernet" (probably similar to Trader Joe's 2 buck Chuck) to use. I haven't tasted it but the person at the store said it was fine for cooking. Also, a friend of mine tried it and said it was not super great but "drinkable." Do you think it makes a difference if I use a wine that I would actually *choose* to drink? Usually, I have a bottle of red wine open and pour some in the dish but since this uses a whole bottle, I thought I would save the good stuff for sipping.
  24. I wouldn't mind some Zombie Dust and Behemoth as well. I don't suppose Houston is on the driving geodesic (is that just a math word?) to Atlanta.
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