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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. The pieces (at least on the screen) looked so small (at least compared to a big ribeye), it reminded me of Zoolander. "How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?"
  2. About 6 months ago I signed up to be on the bone marrow donor registry. Today, I got a letter in the mail saying that they were not able to enter me as a donor for the following reason: Heath history/Medical Evaluation. So weird, I cannot imagine why. Oh well.
  3. shellylh


    ^I love Little Snitch.
  4. How can we expect the children to learn if all they have to eat is little steaks?
  5. Yeah, but are those apps installed by Apple or are those apps the ones someone chose to install?
  6. Is the 5007 out of stock at Outlaw Audio? http://www.outlawaudio.com/products/SR5007.html They have an "add to cart" button but I don't know what happens when you actually try to purchase it. I like the Marantz 6005 I got a few years ago. You can get a Refurb 6007 for a little more. http://www.accessories4less.com/make-a-store/item/MARSR6007/MARANTZ-SR6007-4K-3D-110w-x7-Networking-Home-Theater-Receiver/1.html
  7. The Microsoft Surface RT is targeted to those kind of people. The pro however has an Intel Core i5 processor, includes a digitizer stylus and a real version of Window 8. It is just like the tablet pcs of the last 10+ years except it is now lighter and cheaper than before. If the digitizer is good enough, I imagine many graphics artists may use it. I plan to use Adobe Illustrator, latex, etc. Good to know about disabling pagefile and hiberfile. I might just put Linux on it and certainly wouldn't need them taking up space. I guess I don't really need the space as I can keep stuff in online storage, I was just amazed by how much was "pre-installed." (My current tablet only has 60GB.)
  8. I have been planning to get the new Microsoft Surface Pro when it comes out to replace my again Motion Computing slate tablet pc. It seems to have a decent stylus digitizer (although not a Wacom digitizer) and it a good price. However, I just saw this (from http://www.expertreviews.co.uk/tablet-pcs/1297429/microsoft-admits-surface-pro-128gb-storage-limited-to-83gb). "Microsoft's Surface Pro tablet, which is due to launch with a headline-grabbing 128GB of storage space, will only have 83GB of room for users' files. According to a statement from the company given to Softpedia, the 128GB Surface Pro device - ... - a chunk of its 128GB capacity is taken up by the operating system and pre-installed applications - leaving just 83GB of user-accessible space to store files." WTF? Are all Windows 8 computers like this? What in the hell could possibly come pre-installed?
  9. My Ph.D. student was offered a postdoc today!
  10. Was able to change the firmware to an older version (2.1.0) and still have the same problem. Sigh. It's beginning to look like a hardware problem.
  11. Yeah, I tried that for sure. (I worked in a computer lab in college for 3 years so this is the first thing I try with anything.)
  12. Thanks for all the positive comments guys. I just hate thinking that I screwed something up. It's hard for me to enjoy the beautiful music fearing that I could have screwed something up with the music that I don't even know about.... I know that it probably not the case. Well, that is good to know. Although putting the top on backward I think could have damaged something in theory, but everything looked ok. The thing is that the back and front aren't the same. The parts in the front go up higher that the parts in the back. I put the top on and pushed it down but it wouldn't go all the way on. I was able to pry it off and put it on the right way (which was much easier). The instructions said to make sure one part was towards the back of the DAC and I was thinking that was the part farthest away from me. Really dumb, I know. Put a message up at the ps audio forums and people are suggesting that I change the firmware. At this point, I cannot get the DAC to recognize the older firmware but I will try that. The other suggestion is to open it up and make sure all the connections near the front are ok. The third suggestion is to contact PS Audio. I don't have time to open it back up tonight (and probably no time to call PS Audio during business hours tomorrow) but maybe an email to them would be useful.
  13. The GS-1+ sounds great. But now I am too super depressed about possible ruining the PWD to enjoy it much.
  14. Congrats on the 39 years! I upgraded the PWD to MKii. I just booted it up and it works, phew. I remember hearing that people not liking the new firmware (2.2) as much as some older firmware. For those who have the PWD MKII, what firmware are you using? Ugh, just realized that the lcd display is messed up (the is no picture under "filter" anymore). Sigh... Edit: Fuck, I remember that I tried to force the top on backwards (not realizing it was backwards, I hope I didn't bend something with the DAC and fuck it up... I am an idiot).
  15. I guess this is getting real and I should probably talk to the hubby about it soon.
  16. I do believe so. Here is a pic of the modules I took when I first got them. I can open the amp up and take better pics tomorrow if you want. I think Justin has some pics on HF in the GS-1 thread. Nevermind, I found them (from http://www.head-fi.org/t/112029/the-gs-1-thread/465#post_8795651).
  17. Five guys is ok but In-N-Out is still better. I would trade our Five Guys for an In-N-Out anyday!
  18. A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
  19. Sorry Al. Hope surgery is worth it in the end though.
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