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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. I thought you were sending the refurb D800 back?
  2. I had no idea about the price matching. Hope so too.
  3. About two months overdue but I finally got a haircut.
  4. Shouldn't this thread be deleted so the op does get their free advertising in.
  5. They have real exams in MBA school? I thought you were just graded on winking and handshakes.
  6. You're not going to cook a big dinner for mom?
  7. Yeah, I wish I would have picked up Cherrybomb's DSHA-1. I wasn't really serious about getting the GS-X just to use as a volume control. Does the DSHA-1 have preamp out by the way?
  8. Excellent Brent! Very jealous.
  9. I <3 the HD800s. Could someone mention if using the computer as volume control would be horrid? I use Amarra. My preamp is a GS-1 which has only unbalanced outputs. The Dynaudio MKII (as well as some other active speakers) has only XLR input. I assume that it would be better to use the balanced output of the my DAC (ECD-1) than to go use some unbalanced to balanced cable (assuming one could/should even do that)... but then I lose volume contol. [i used to use the RCA input of the QUADs so I could use the GS-1 as a preamp but maybe I should have been using balanced cables and some other sort of volume control now that I think about it. ] I know that I should really just get a GS-X and do things properly.... but maybe I should just buy one expensive toy from Justin at a time.
  10. I have to say they sound pretty damn awesome on paper. For those with the Emotiva (Airmotiv), how neutral are they? Say compared to the HD800 or JH13 (used with GS-1 or some other fairly neutral amp). Also, how quiet are they when you are close (any hum/buzz)?
  11. OK, I figured that. I was surprised to see another line already from them. I supposed these are not meant to be used nearfield?
  12. Yeah, I have the Audioengine's angled with the mopads... much better. Plus the DBM50's could not be made into non-desktop speakers in the future very easily... and they are not $750.
  13. What the heck are these? http://www.emotivapro.com/products/stealth-6
  14. I have found myself once again looking at studio monitors to use on my desk (to replace the Audioengine A5 which replaced the Quad 12LA when they broke). I keep going back to Adam, Dynaudio, Focal... I noticed today that BH Photo has them for $750/pair right now. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/696917-REG/Dynaudio_Acoustics_BM_5A_MKII_BM_5A_MKII_7.html That seems like a very good price and I have wanted to try a pair of Dynaudio for a while. I am tempted to get them but I noticed they only have XLR input. Right now, I use the GS-1 as my volume control. I assume the sound, balanced, straight from the ECD-1 would be better but I am not so sure if using the computer as volume control is such a great idea. Would it be better to do this or get a custom made RCA -> XLR cable and run them unbalanced. Or maybe I shouldn't get them at all because they wouldn't be that much better than the Audioengine A5 in an untreated room. Or maybe Colin could fix the Quad 12LA's when he is visiting in a couple of weeks. :evil:
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