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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Argh, I may have to put off getting new DACses for a bit.
  2. Upon inspection, I see that there certificate expired 5 days ago so they probably just didn't update it yet. I am not too worried, just trying to be cautious nowadays.
  3. No, we are not. One should still be able to use it as a preamp, as long as you are using the DAC, right? I like having $200. I was hoping you were going to buy one and then sell it to me cheap. I went to Benchmark to order one however, I got a security warning (expired certificate) when I tried to check out. Since I am paranoid, I decided not to continue (and email the Benchmark people about the problem). Sigh. I guess I'll wait until BH/AudioAdvisor or someone else has it or they update their certificate. By the way, if people are interested, I emailed Benchmark and asked them if one could use the RCA and XLR output simultaneously. They replied very quickly with the following. "All 3 set of outputs can be used simultaneously without any loss of quality.. Each output has its own output stage, independent of the others."
  4. I just noticed that Benchmark now has offers the DAC2 D which is the same as the DAC2 HGC (as far as I can tell) but without the analog inputs and 12V trigger. It cost $200 less than the HGC. http://www.benchmarkmedia.com/dac/dac2-d I think I am going to buy one sometime soon.
  5. @Larry: I tried and don't like the D7000. Yep, this is the problem I have with a lot. The hang below my jawline so I cannot get a fit even by bending the headband. These are way too long, they go far below my jawline. Too bad because they were great. Thanks Dusty, but I think I am going to pass on these, especially since Tyll says they are not as good as the D2000 and they tend to be very large (they will probably hang too low for me). That is something I may think about. I'll try out the gym PK1s to see how they do.
  6. Thanks Dinny, but that is too open for my needs. I think I will probably just try the K271 and if I don't like them, stick with IEMs.
  7. Yeah, but they probably will be too big for me. Could never get anything but the AD2000 to fit my head.
  8. And I would need a giant rubberband to keep them from falling off. Plus the 840s sound is too soft for me.
  9. Audio Technicas are out. SR4070 are great (I borrowed Al's at some point) but they do not touch my head unless I hold up my arms to clamp them to my head. That might be kinda tiring (to hold up my arms for hours). I suppose I could also get a big rubber band to keep them on my head as well.... I'll take a look at the Sennheiser HD250
  10. I have a pair of K701 but they are open. I have plenty of great open cans.
  11. I am assuming that the 940 would fall off my head (the 840s were too big for me I think). They also didn't look very comfortable (very Senn 280 pro or Ultrasone) . For reference, the HD800s are too big for me and the HD650/600/580 fit me great. Otherwise they sound like what I am looking for.
  12. I have the Momentum and it is ok but not quite neutral enough for my tastes. Plus it gets a bit uncomfortable after a while (it is like a circumaural headphone for me but my ears touch on the inside which gets a bit uncomfortable). I think it would be more comfortable if it were supra-aural. I also have a pair of Audio Technica ESW9. IEMS sound great (I have JH13 and Ety ER4P) but sometimes I don't want to wear them. I haven't looked into the Sony MDR-1R yet so that might be something.
  13. I am thinking of getting another pair of AKG K271 again. I used to own them and mostly liked them. I think I remember that they were not quite as smooth as I would have liked in the treble and many a tiny bit lacking in bass but overall them were pretty neutral and very comfortable. Is there another pair of closed (full sized, comfortable) headphones that I should look at? I have the a pair of Thunderpants but don't love them and would like something more neutral. I have a couple of supra-aural cans (Sennheiser Momentum and Audio Technica ESW9) and I am not interested in those. I guess I also have a pair of Audio Technica ATH-900ltd that I let Tim use. I also would prefer not to spend a ton. I have tried and don't really (for fit or sound): Shure 840 (hurts the top of my head), Thunderpants (sound is not neutral enough for me), Denon 2000 and others (too much flabby bass), Beyer 770 (too boomy), Senn 280pro (too boring and not so comfortable), Ultrasone something or other, Audio Techinca ATH-A900ltd, ATH-W5000 (way way too big), ATH-2000X (too shrill), AKG K340 (if one considers these closed - too big), JVC DX1000 (weird)...
  14. I am interested in comparisons between Oppo 105 and DAC2 if anyone has any. I am very interested in both.
  15. This is pretty crazy. I hope they catch the second brother alive so we can get more information.
  16. What a horrible mother. Sounds like he'd be better off without her around.
  17. Found (smelled) a dead opposum under the deck in the back yard and Tim removed it. Fuck, it smelled awful! I could smell it in the house. Nice setup Todd!
  18. Got the ECP prototype. It is very nice indeed!
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