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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. My husband has a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it often tells the wrong time (not even close). Does anyone know a fix for this? There don't seem to be any updates that he hasn't installed and I haven't found much online (I searched about a week or so ago but wasn't that thorough).
  2. I don't know what to say Steve. I'm so sorry for your huge loss. RIP Jim.
  3. Sorry Raffy! I ate lunch with a hawk* today (well, he was outside on the top of the physics building, and I was inside the math building...). He was hungry. He wouldn't share. *At least, I think it was a hawk.
  4. Damn, I just bought the Ety P->S convertor from headroom, should have gone for the knockoff. Love the Etys* (love the JH13 more though) and recommend them all the time. I really wish they would make a better cable and earpiece though. *Also, I should mention that I don't love the ER6i but they aren't too bad and I am recommended them to many many people.
  5. That almost works. However, when I create a directory with the "New Folder" command on Mac, it still creates a directory with permissions: drwx--x--x. If I create a file with, say TextMate, it creates a file where only I have permission to rw. Weird. I put umask 077 in the file /etc/launchd-user.conf If I create a folder on Mac, only I can open it now, and when I copy it over, it is fine. However, if I create a new folder directly into a folder on the server, others can execute it.
  6. Yes, I do. I don't like the default permission being readable by "everyone" (although presumably this is just me and my admin account - again me since I don't have any guest account or other accounts). Still, I don't know why Mac would set this as their default. Maybe a Mac person could help me out here.
  7. I already have have umask 077 in my .cshrc file. That doesn't do anything when I login via the samba server (meaning mount the folder on my mac via "Connect to Server" smb:serveripaddress). There must be some way to tell the samba server to copy my files as unreadable by groups and others. Edit #1: Oh, nevermind, you are saying to put it in the .login file as well. I'll try that. Edit #2: I put it in the .login file and it still copies and creates new files as readable by all. Edit #3: I think I figured out the problem. I think the permissions on my mac allow reading by others and it is copying those permission.
  8. The default umask setting when I save anything on the unix system at work (via samba) is that everyone can read it. This is totally stupid and I have talked to the chair about this but nobody wants to change it. I know that one can change this setting for the whole system in the smb.conf file. Is there a way that I can change the default for me when I login. I have already changed the default setting when things are created when I am logged in via ssh but can't figure out how to do it when copying files from my computer. Most of the files I save are grades and letters of recommendations and things like that and I don't want to risk forgetting to change the umask settings and having them readable by others on the server.
  9. The Chrome Citizen Messenger bag is the best messenger bag I have tried. It fits snugly across the body, is fully weatherproof, is very rugged, and the padding on the part of the strap that goes over the shoulder is fantastic. The only annoying thing is that the damn seat belt buckle. They also have a mini version if you want something smaller. http://www.chromeindustries.com/bags/messenger-bags/citizen-messenger-bag If you want a small and light backpack, I would go with a light hiking pack (if you want waist support) or (should I dare mention... http://www.tombihn.com/backpacks/TB0110.html). When I have commuted in the past, I have usually used panniers though. The ones I got were from REI.
  10. Bad news, I have had to cancel my trip. Sorry guys. Just too many things going on here with work and family. I probably wouldn't be any fun to be around anyways.
  11. You're a good guy Steve, but we already knew that. I have to say that I wouldn't get in a car with someone I didn't know though. People also may be afraid to stop and help someone, thinking that it might be a setup.
  12. Graded more final exams and submitted my annual report on my NSF grant with minutes to spare. (For those who care) I hate submitting reports on research.gov (fastlane, however bad it was, was so much better/easier).
  13. I'll be coming into town on Thursday evening, talking to people and giving a talk on Friday at Georgia Tech. At some point, I will be making my way to that direction on Friday evening. If anyone plans to be in town on Thursday night and wants to get together for dinner, let me know. I am staying near GT, a little north of downtown. I might try to make my way over to Antico Pizza http://www.anticoatl.com/. My flight doesn't get in until 7pm though and so I probably won't be able to get there until after 8pm.
  14. Maybe Hyde Park has changed a lot in the past few years but I never found it all that exciting. I would vote for downtown... but I'm no expert.
  15. I somehow missed this. I'll donate later today.
  16. Giving a final exam. I am not sure who was the joker in the registrar's office who decided to give me an exam on Sunday.
  17. Luther is great, wish there were more seasons. We've been watching The Wire season 4 (the school season), it is fantastic!
  18. I want short rib sliders too. I ate dinner but it was all healthy and vegetarian.
  19. Interested in your opinion. I am thinking of getting one myself.
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