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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Two of the igniters on our stove don't work (they haven't for 6 years) and we either need to replace the stove or get it fixed (before my mom or someone else burns down the house). [Right now, we just light the stove by hand but if you try to do a low simmer on the front burners sometimes they go out and don't relight on their own.] I think the one we have is a Dacor Classic 30" (natural gas). I have no clue how old it is. Does anyone know some brands that are known to be the most reliable (I don't like to fuck around with gas and electricity). We were looking at the Dacor Renaissance 30" but I am wondering if Dacor is so reliable. Some people seem to mention Wolf as well. I would also like something that does a nice low simmer. Of course, maybe we can just fix our old stove which would certainly be cheaper.
  2. These look* and sound great together. Going to try out the DSHA-1 and DAC2 tonight. *except for the ghetto rubber feet - perhaps these will have to go - I put them in for cooling purposes since both get pretty hot
  3. Amarra have been a little flaky lately and I will need something that can handles DSDs so I am thinking of trying this out. Does anyone have the "plus" (paid) version? In particular, I would like to know if it would be possible to use it on more than two computers (these would be my own computers and I would not usually be using more than one at a time, unless I left the computer in the office on by accident). The website states: As per the EULA, it is permitted to proceed to “the installation on a second computer owned by you for your exclusive use with the express condition that this second copy is not used simultaneously with the main one”.
  4. I approve of the brussel sprouts .... although they do look a bit on the brown side.
  5. I often put cilantro and tomato, they are very good. I haven't ever tried shallot though, will try and have mind blown.
  6. It depends what I have around. This time I did avocado, kosher salt, fresh ground pepper, crushed garlic, lime juice, sriacha, and roasted green chilis (unfortunately canned not homemade). Sometimes I use Fredericksburg Roasted Tomatillo Pepper Sauce (it's awesome) instead of green chilis. I often put in fresh cilantro and/or tomatoes.
  7. ^Please fax (I did inspire you after all)!!!
  8. I was looking at this "review" of the NAD M51 vs DAC2. He claims that the DAC2 sounds awful via laptop/usb but sounds great via squeezebox touch/usb. Is this even possible or is this guy just an idiot? I am hoping he is an idiot since I was planning to use the DAC2 via mbp/usb. http://scamperingseattle.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/dac2-nadm51/ "USB straight out of my laptop (no matter which port) sounds like dreck with the Benchmark. Congested, 2-dimensional, sibilant, shrill; a smorgasboard of grating digititus. SPDIF out of the Squeezebox Touch (with Triode’s EDO plugin) into the DAC2 sounds great, completely ameliorating (2) – it sounds like a different DAC. Asynchronous USB into the DAC2 from the Touch also works using EDO! It sounds as good as if not better than SPDIF."
  9. That sucks Jacob. I can't imagine what it is like getting migraines. Even my 2-3 day headaches I get are bad enough.
  10. Sounds good Jacob but how dare you not post of picture of it. I made some veggies taco that were pretty outstanding. I think I could eat these everyday (I may have to add some bacon every once in a while though). Veggie Tacos: Sauteed onions, poblano peppers, garlic, portabello mushrooms, and diced black bean burgers + homemade guacamole + sour cream + Sriracha sauce + extra sharp cheddar + corn tortillas. The tzatziki sauce + artichokes and margarita* were really good too. *Margaritas are always good.
  11. Thanks for the clarification Doug.
  12. You are welcome! I noticed that some other recipes have olive oil (as well as mint or vinegar or sour cream) in them - I may put some olive oil in mine today and see which I like better. Also, I put some sour cream in mine because all I had was 0% fat greek yogurt in the house.
  13. Ok, so people are just talking about the switch on the front (which also seems to change impedance) and not setting the jumpers (which also changes impedance?).
  14. Is the difference between low/high Z output determned by the setting of the jumpers inside the amp. Mine is set to low Z I believe (only one set of jumpers). Where can I get another set of jumpers to try high Z? Or is the difference going to be subtle enough that it is not worth it (also I have the prototype s maybe it is different). I am using it with the HD800s mostly.
  15. Good but I put in too much lemon so I'll have to fix it up a bit (I didn't really follow the recipe that well). It has to sit overnight. I'm planning to eat it with steamed artichokes tomorrow, can't wait!
  16. My first attempt at Tzatziki sauce. Don't know why I didn't try making this earlier - I love this stuff. http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2007/07/worlds-best-tzatziki-sauce-recipe-greek.html
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