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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Got an MRI for my hip which has been giving me trouble lately. I am hoping for good news when I see the surgeon on Friday (meaning no tears). By "tears" I mean the word that sounds like bears not fears. Although if there are tears there will probably be tears.
  2. I had trouble finding the free version of Audirvana when I was looking for it. That said, I like the plus.
  3. This. I thought the 11" would be too small, after carrying around a 15" MBP for many years. I am perfectly happy using an 11" on the go and using an external monitor when home. I wish I had an external monitor larger than 20" though. In fact, I really wish Apple would make a 24" or 25" Thunderbolt display! The only reason I would possibly get a 13" MBA would be for longer battery life. I have miniature hands so I can't help out with your question, Ric.
  4. Happy Father's Day HC dads!
  5. You do know that the toilet doesn't go in the bathtub, right?
  6. Also, PS4 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BGA9WK2/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. Crap, I always forget about the Amazon link.
  8. Would love to have a desktop without a built in monitor that is more powerful than a mini and not as expensive as a Mac Pro for the office. Unfortunately, since it will be property of the university, I can't do a hackintosh (well, I probably shouldn't).
  9. I can't see any mention of a Swype-like keyboard in ios 7. If they would add that feature, I would immediately buy an iphone. Why is Apple so fucking stubborn?
  10. Watched 6 episodes of House of Cards on the plane yesterday. Now, I just need to find time to watch the rest!
  11. Seems kinda high. I would go to the doctors (at least call). Could be some sort of infection or worse.
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