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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. If you are walking a lot, you could try a belt pack http://www.thinktankphoto.com/categories/camera-beltpacks.aspx or digital holster with a pro belt (with a couple of modular components) http://www.thinktankphoto.com/categories/digital-holsters/digital-holsters.aspx I find this to be much more comfortable than a shoulder bag (but I do have a bum shoulder). If you are just going to carry single lens (not huge) on a smallish digital camera and want a shoulder bag, the Retrospective 5 is great. The UD35 is really good but holds a ton (so you might end up overloading it).
  2. Mac Mini music servers are great but I'm not sure you really need the SSD.
  3. Bastards! Although, I wish we could get Verizon tv+internet here.... we're stuck with Comcast.
  4. Meant to start a thread when I saw your BD on FB but forgot. Happy Belated Birthday David!
  5. I have the 35 and love it (except for the fact that it is a shoulder bag). I use the Tom Bihn absolute strap with it though which makes it a much easier carry. I ordered the 50 but sent it back as it was just too big for someone my size (5'2"). I believe Dinny has the 40 which is more similar to the 50.
  6. Isn't that what dialysis is for? Seriously Jacob, I thought I was bad in the kitchen.... I have cut or burned anything in weeks though.
  7. Sorry Ric. Perhaps this is one of those books where you should flip to the back to find out the ending.
  8. Met up with a few other Houston HFers (well, some people I know from HF meets from ~5 years ago) for a mini-meet. It was fun. I tried the LCD-3 and it was pretty nice (much better than the LCD-2) but I still preferred the HD800s.
  9. I went to my orthopedic surgeon today to get the MRI on my hip read (that I got done on Tuesday). He didn't find any tears or any other structural damage which makes me very very relieved! I am going to get a cortisone shot (I'll have to wait on this since it has to be done as outpatient surgery unless I want it to be painful) and do some more physical therapy and hopefully things will work themselves out! My former PT suggested I used this other therapist at the same location who is their hip specialist. If nothing more, at least this will give a fresh look at the problems I have continued to have.
  10. The drivers on the SR-003, 404Le or all current production?
  11. Would there be a problem with chalk dust and electrostatic headphone (current ones). I forgot that chalk dust gets everywhere in the office.
  12. Thinking of a getting an SRS-005S mkii for the office, which Justin has on sale for 650 right now. I assume the 252S would be 117v from Justin. Would the 252S be able to drive the 404LE, if so maybe I should just get the SR-003 (which would probably be uncomfortable).
  13. I would rather have a Big Mac with a zero pounder... nasty stuffs.
  14. Way too young. RIP Mr Gandolfini.
  15. You are having some bad luck Jacob!
  16. Gave blood this morning so having some Five Guys burgers and fries... not because I want to because I have to.
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