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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. ^That is basically what I had tonight, except with chia seeds instead of protein powder (and no ice).
  2. Dinny, start with spinach. It really has very little flavor. It will mostly taste like the fruit and other stuff you have in there. Just start with a handful and see how it goes.
  3. After gym workout and copying Colin a bit. Mine isn't quite as green though. 1 banana 3 handfuls of spinach 1 scoop of peanut butter 1 tsp Chia seeds almond milk This is fantastic! So much banana and peanut buttery goodness. Other comments: I've decided to stay away from protein powders since I am trying to cut down on processed foods (bacon doesn't count though). I don't seem to need to pre soak the chia seeds since the Vitamix blends them up pretty well.
  4. Hmm, I guess I should try this. What foam/adhesive are you using? I wouldn't want to use something that left a bunch of sticky residue if I took it off. This is completely reversible, right?
  5. can't you just get an antenna and watch it (for free)?
  6. Orange is the New Black - a lot better than I thought it would be.
  7. That looks awesome Mike and Al!
  8. ^I'll have to try more green/less fruit - though it doesn't sound great. Today's pre gym smoothie (for 2 people) - it's a good one. 2 bananas 1 nectarine 0.5 Pink Lady apple large scoop of peanut butter 1.5 tbsp chia seeds 3 large leaves of kale almond milk
  9. Warning, do not read the above review wile eating.
  10. Yes, the Benchmark DAC2. I probably should have stated that since there are probably a large number of DACs called "DAC2". It is small and black and sounds good and plays hi-res stuffs. I like it. Haven't done any comparisons with the PWD mkii. I think I may slightly prefer the PWD mkii but not positive. More science is needed.
  11. Looks pretty nice. I probably would've tried one out for use on the desktop but now that I have the DAC2, I am content.
  12. Now that I am finished with the Wire, I am reading The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner-City Neighborhood
  13. Green dinner* *Well, I said I would never have a smoothie for dinner but I caved. I guess I can consider it dessert though. I bought some chia seeds this weekend, soaked them in water and put them in the smoothy. I only did 1 tbsp (for 2 people) but I wanted to slowly add it in. I am very excited about the chia seeds. I think I'll add some to my cereal tomorrow morning. This smoothie was great! 1 mango 1 peach 1 banana spinach kale 1 tbsp soaked chia seeds almond milk
  14. shellylh

    The Wire

    Great list! Mine would probably be very similar except Bodie's spitting drove me crazy so he would'nt make my top 10. The other four and Omar might be my top five. I also really liked D'Angelo too though.
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