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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. shellylh


    Please please please make me a (reasonably sized) Nexus 5 for Sprint. I am damn tired of my super slow Nexus S.
  2. Huge fan! I finished Season 1 in a little over a week which is very fast for me. I've been recommending it to a lot of my friends.
  3. Punch Brothers - Who's Feeling Young Now?
  4. Found out how to change the search in itunes back to the old style... so much better! Why didn't I look into this before??? http://www.cultofmac.com/204115/change-the-itunes-11-search-feature-back-to-the-older-functionality-os-x-tips/
  5. Speaking of Mysore, I didn't think it was as good as when I had it in the past. Did anyone feel the same? I am wondering whether to order again.
  6. Thanks, I'll look into the Nescos.
  7. Tried a couple of new dishes tonight. Didn't turn out perfect but were still pretty good. Pork Chops with Apple Cider Glaze and Lemony Braised Lacinato Kale
  8. ECP amps are a great choice but note that this thread is from April!
  9. I wish my I could get a new bike (and ride it). My shoulder is improving but is still far from being able to get on a non stationary bike. Someday...
  10. I'm thinking of getting an Excalibur 4-tray dehydrator. I want something that is smallish and not that expensive. Before buying, I thought I would ask if anyone else has a small dehydrator that they would recommend? I will mostly be using this for dehydrating soaked nuts. http://www.amazon.com/Excalibur-2400-4-Tray-Economy-Dehydrator/dp/B0047WOWHE/ref=sr_1_8?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1377484067&sr=1-8
  11. Enjoy the vacation and bike Vicki!!! It looks great!
  12. I am going to pretend that the 007 are better than the 009 until my next big promotion.
  13. I bought mine in 2009 and they are fine but I am pretty careful with them and don't use them everyday.
  14. I have the JH13 and don't feel like I need any more bass (I also like the Etys though). I would get them over the JH16 if I were buying now. I doubt there are any other custom IEMs out there that compete.
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