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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Definitely agree.
  2. How do you like the air chilled chicken?
  3. Thanks, I will look into those.
  4. Congrat! I know I would be really unhappy if I couldn't get my favorite (Frantoia).
  5. Well, the camcorder is going to weigh a heck of a lot less than the DSLR. My tendonitis can't handle holding up the DSLR for long periods of time.
  6. I am think of getting a small handheld camcorder but don't know what to look for. I assume a bigger sensor is better for low light and you want a decent mic, optical zoom, and decent battery life. That's about all I know. I have read that midrange ($300-$600) is the sweet spot for someone like me. I'm just going to use it for the usual recording friends, family, etc. I was thinking of something like http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00AW54Z4K/thewire06-20 or http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00AWZFJ22/thewire06-20 or http://www.amazon.com/Sony-HDR-CX380-Definition-Handycam-Camcorder/dp/B00AR95FRM/ref=dp_ob_title_ce or maybe something even cheaper http://www.amazon.com/Sony-HDR-CX220-Definition-Handycam-Camcorder/dp/B00AR95H16/ref=zg_bs_172421_14 but would be happy to hear other suggestions. (I just found those by looking at the top selling camcorders at amazon). Is there a brand that is king of handheld camcorders like Canon is for P&S?
  7. That looks good but where is the bacon?
  8. This! Not happy to have autodraft stick me with Lynch. I cannot believe I showed up at 8:30pm EDT (7:30pm CDT) thinking I had a half an hour before the start of the draft.
  9. ^That was also true last year
  10. There is no way I would get in that water!
  11. Oops, missed the post. The steak, arugula, potatoes and whiskey sounds awesome. You should be watching Boardwalk Empire instead of Ghostbusters though.
  12. Starting Season 3 of Boardwalk Empire
  13. I have this on my Kindle but haven't gotten around to it yet. Instead, I am trudging through Dan Brown's Inferno - the first half was incredibly dull, the second half isn't all that much better. I don't even know why I am still reading it.
  14. Injuries suck big time but hope is good and getting answers is even better!
  15. The AD2000 pads are around 110mm and are very thin in the middle (on the outside they are about 15mm) but they are suede (which I guess is still leather).
  16. ^This
  17. You can set up a smarter autodraft. http://games.espn.go.com/ffl/content?page=fflruleslivedraft2009
  18. This year I am experimenting with drafting without "studying"... should be interesting.
  19. That *is* what they do to protect themselves (pretend they are a dead/sick).
  20. Wow, that is really impessive Vicki!
  21. Good to know!
  22. I thought about this but don't know if it is such a great idea with my shoulder troubles. I'll try the food processor for now. Actually, I may end up wimping out and getting ground chuck and sirloin from the store this time and mixing in some bacon since we'll be feeding 12 people.
  23. Seems to be pretty common - not quite as easy as a traditional meat grinder though. I have no real use for a KitchenAid mixer (besides grinding meat) and don't really have the room for it in my house. I am thinking of getting a Weston or LEM electric mixer which seem to be cheaper (if one doesn't get the professional versions) and *smaller* than a mixer + grinder attachment. Perhaps I should wait and ask for it for Christmas since I can never think of anything I want then.
  24. Al, did you grind the meat yourself? I'm thinking of grinding sirloin, chuck and bacon together but I don't have a meat grinder. So I was thinking of trying it in the food processor. Has anyone else tried this? I guess the key is to pulse and have the meat partially frozen beforehand. I wonder if I should partially cook the bacon before grinding.
  25. Awesome. I'm planning to make some for Labor Day.
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