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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. You'd be better off if they aren't real. They might sound good.
  2. At some point today, the ball of my foot starting hurting. Now it hurts to walk on it. Fuck, I really don't need another injury; I was just starting to get over the other two. I also have no clue how it happened. I hope it is temporary.
  3. Jacob, you could also pick up the Nikon 85mm f/1.8 - I love mine. The 35mm and 85mm should be a good combo (although you would have to carry around two lenses). The 85mm is pretty small/light.
  4. shellylh


    The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol I is now free to read online (legally). Hope they put up Vol II and III sometime. http://feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/
  5. It's a Sprint version so I'm not sure it would work with Verizon. I'll probably keep it to give to Tim's daughter who has been known to break or lose a phone or two.
  6. Sorry Larry, that really really sucks.
  7. I think I am going to get the iphone 5s when it comes out. I am tired of my super slow Nexus S and I've always wanted an iphone.
  8. I'll be lucky to break 100 each week with my team.
  9. I know, that is what is so frustrating! In addition I would much rather have iOS than android for certain apps like Remote...
  10. I really don't understand the giant phone craze. I can't even completely use my Nexus S (4") screen with one hand - I can only reach part of the screen. There is no way I could use something bigger without dropping the phone every hour. I do have really small hands but there must be 25% of the population with smallish hands I would guess. All I want is a fast (that won't be sluggish in 2 years), relatively thin phone with ~4" screen with a good gmail app, Swype type keyboard, and a long battery and without a lot of bloatware. Is that really too much to ask? I guess I would also like LTE now that I think of it.
  11. Sure, we don't really need a car...
  12. Hmm, I was looking into these camcorders and the handheld ones (in the price range I was looking) have sensors that are smaller than the sensor on my S95. That makes me a bit worried. I wanted to have a camera that can take 1 hour+ videos and I just don't know if the S95 or DSLR is going to be able to handle this (especially without getting too hot). I have a Kodak ZX5 that is a camcorder but the quality of the video sucks (I accidentally bought two when I was getting one for my brother and then forgot to send one back).
  13. Sorry, for $120 I expect free shipping. Also, I would be a little worried buying olive oil from a place called "cosmetic solutions."
  14. I had a NEX 5 with 18-50 and sold it. It is an odd shape for carrying around in a small bag (I would like to have zooming capability so the pancake lenses won't do) and doesn't fit in the hand as nicely as a camcorder. I never found myself carrying it around when I had it. I suppose it technically might be as small or smaller than a handheld camcorder. I should probably go to Best Buy and try some out in the hand before buying. @Jacob: As for the Nikon D610, if they don't have the problems of the D600, I may end up getting one...
  15. How do you like the air chilled chicken?
  16. Thanks, I will look into those.
  17. Congrat! I know I would be really unhappy if I couldn't get my favorite (Frantoia).
  18. Well, the camcorder is going to weigh a heck of a lot less than the DSLR. My tendonitis can't handle holding up the DSLR for long periods of time.
  19. I am think of getting a small handheld camcorder but don't know what to look for. I assume a bigger sensor is better for low light and you want a decent mic, optical zoom, and decent battery life. That's about all I know. I have read that midrange ($300-$600) is the sweet spot for someone like me. I'm just going to use it for the usual recording friends, family, etc. I was thinking of something like http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00AW54Z4K/thewire06-20 or http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00AWZFJ22/thewire06-20 or http://www.amazon.com/Sony-HDR-CX380-Definition-Handycam-Camcorder/dp/B00AR95FRM/ref=dp_ob_title_ce or maybe something even cheaper http://www.amazon.com/Sony-HDR-CX220-Definition-Handycam-Camcorder/dp/B00AR95H16/ref=zg_bs_172421_14 but would be happy to hear other suggestions. (I just found those by looking at the top selling camcorders at amazon). Is there a brand that is king of handheld camcorders like Canon is for P&S?
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