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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. Sorry Grahame... indeed Apple TV re-samples 44.1 -> 48 KHz (at least with whatever version I have on the Apple TV - I haven't upgraded to 6.0).
  2. Sorry, I was thinking someone else already checked and responded. I'll check when I get back from the play we are headed to (and before the next Martini).
  3. shellylh

    iTunes Radio

    Hmm, perhaps I should try this out. Better than Pandora?
  4. I can check later today unless someone else does it first.
  5. I think I've used the Apple TV for audio with the TV off with no problems but I am not 100%. I can check tonight.
  6. T1 = blech and I can't imagine that the B22 would help. I've only heard the SR-009 with the KGSS but it was fantastic. Remember to clean out your ears before listening to gear.
  7. Definitely not gout (thank goodness). I don't have any redness in the area.
  8. Yeah, that is kind of annoying.
  9. Well, I hate my current phone (Nexus S). It takes forever to open and close apps, etc. There is no Android phone that interests me so I think it is time to finally try out an iphone (I have always wanted one but the lack of Swype has kept me away).
  10. I haven't updated (and I only have an ipad right now). I was just commenting on Ric's link. I will probably get an iphone 5s. My ipad3's battery life has been suffering recently and I was hoping ios7 would help.
  11. Battery life is worse... especially on the iphone 5. Isn't that more important than making it look spiffy? I don't really see anything that makes me want to update.
  12. ^Just looked it up and it doesn't seem to be the problem I am having. My foot is feeling a bit better today (and my calf is no longer hurting since I am walking more normally). I've been icing, resting and taking ibuprofen. I think it should be better after a week. I just wish knew what caused it. Also, sorry Knucks!
  13. I'll take what he's having! Tim doesn't like asparagus so I rarely eat it.
  14. Yes please. I would like to read the 500 word essay.
  15. OK, I'm fine with Lynch but still complaining about being stuck with Brady.
  16. Not technically a smoothy but made my own almond milk in the Vitamix today (following this recipe more or less). I used a strainer instead of a nut bag which was fine except the the pulp was too was to keep and use for anything. soaked almonds filtered water 1/3 vanilla bean (these are expensive!) 2 Medjool dates too much cinnamon (> 1/2 tsp) Tastes great except it could use more vanilla bean (maybe 1/2 of a bean), dates and less cinnamon. Next up: Horchata
  17. Just finished Season 5 episode 8 of Breaking bad... ahhh, when are they going to put up the second half of the Season on Netflix?!?!
  18. One of my thoughts/worries was arthritis (namely psoratic arthritis) since I have psoriasis on my toe nails. Gettin arthritis at my age on the feet would really suck. Looking up gout... don't want that either. There is no redness that I can see so I am guessing it isn't gout. My guess is metatarsalgia. I have been doing more jumping/runnng for PT lately. I used to have pain on the ball of one foot, years ago when I played volleyball (10 years ago) but I don't remember if it is the same as before and I think it was on the other foot.
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