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Everything posted by shellylh

  1. ^I think he probably meant that he'd like to show how well this amp is built, in contrast to certain other headphone amps that have recently been taken apart.
  2. For those who don't want to read the HF thread: Quote: Originally Posted by pmillett The Teton has a highish output impedance similar to the original HA-2. The Zout depends on what output tube you use...if I recall correctly it's around 100 ohms using a 6080, and as low as 50 ohms using a 6528. Of course, the output impedance affects the sound, depending on what headphones you use. I also added an "IEM" mode that trades gain for output impedance, so you can drive 16 ohm IEMs. This is done with a simple resistive alternator, no magic. So the gain is dropped by ~15dB, and Zout is lowered to ~10 ohms. Although many would argue this amp is only good for higher impedance headphones (over 150 ohms), personally I find many lower-impedance phones (like Grados) sound better with a higher source impedance. It depends on your taste. Pete
  3. If only I were that clever. Reminds me I forgot to donate (again).
  4. Evidently I cannot spell Millett correctly. Could a mod change the title to the correct spelling?
  5. I bet the fact that it is "fully unbalanced" will keep people from buying it.
  6. Nope. I'm surprised there aren't any posts since yesterday - maybe they are deleted?
  7. http://www.head-fi.org/t/683115/the-apex-high-fi-audio-teton http://www.ttvjaudio.com/Apex_High_Fi_Audio_Teton_Preamp_and_Headphone_amp_p/aaa0000020.htm The Apex Teton - NEW from Apex High Fi Audio and TTVJAudio! Come to RMAF CanJam and be one of the first to hear it!!! The Apex Teton is a single-ended output-transformer-less (OTL) vacuum tube preamplifier and headphone amp. Its roots lie in the Wheatfield Audio HA-2 from nearly 15 years ago. While similar, it is far superior to the original design. Retaining the same tube compliment and amplifier topology, it has been greatly improved through the use of a better power supply and higher quality components throughout. The all-tube Teton uses a single voltage amplification stage followed by a current amplification stage. There are no transformers in the direct signal path, and only one coupling capacitor*. To provide low noise and solid bass response, the Teton uses a vacuum-tube rectifier and a multi-stage LC filter. Like other Apex tube headphone amps, the input stage uses the venerable 6SN7 tube, often regarded as the best tube ever made for audio voltage amplification. The power stage uses a 6080 dual triode, which can optionally be replaced with a number of other power tubes like the 7236, 5998, or 6528, tailoring the sound to the owner’s headphones and musical preferences. This combination, along with massive polypropylene output capacitors, gives the Teton a powerful sound along with the musicality that only a single-ended tube amp can give. The Teton is a fully unbalanced, single-ended amplifier. The input and output selections are made via a front panel switches, which activate relays that are strategically located to keep the signal path direct and pure. Like other Apex products, the Teton is designed and hand-built in the USA, using high quality components sourced largely from the US and Japan. Specifications Tube complement: Input - 6SN7. Output - 6080 standard (optionally 6AS7, 7236, 5998, or 6528). Rectifier - 5U4GB standard (many options possible, including GZ34/5AR4, GZ37, etc.) Inputs: Three unbalanced RCA connectors Line output: One unbalanced RCA connector Volume control: High quality TKD potentiometer Headphone output: 1/4" TRS unbalanced. Can drive loads from 16 ohms and up Dimensions: 17" wide x 7" tall x 11" deep Power: 120V or 240V, 50/60Hz * Regardless of what some people may have you think, the power supply circuitry as well as any bypass capacitors are actually also in the AC signal path. Even though they are not as critical as components like coupling capacitors, because of this, only high-quality capacitors
  8. Heck, I am appalled by the soldering and I have only completed a cmoy and a guitar headphone amp!
  9. Thanks for all the support. You don't know what a relief this is. I can't take any more chronic injuries (psychologically). Greg: I didn't have the foot problem long enough to see a doctor about it. If it flares up again, I'll probably see someone.
  10. If I watch one a day, I will be ready for the Finale on Sunday!
  11. After buying the first two episodes of the Final Season from itunes, I realized they were all on Comcast On Demand. At least I didn't buy the whole season.
  12. Oh, I didn't know about this. Thanks! Currently listening to Everything But the Girl - Temperamental
  13. Good news, my foot is almost all better! I tested it out at physical therapy (I had to skip last week because of my foot) and there wasn't too much soreness using the elliptic for 10 minutes. I'm still going to refrain for running/jumping for another week - not going to push my luck.
  14. Go Karen, wow! The NY Marathon should be pretty awesome. Will she be dressed as Wonder Woman?
  15. A serious question from someone who knows very little: why are there so many holes in the amp board? I don't think I have seen that before. Is it for ventilation?
  16. shellylh


    Oh right, I didn't see that. Oh well, when you factor in the shipping which could be $35, the fact that it will be a refurb (and or scratch n dent), and lose the 30 day trial, it probably isn't worth it.
  17. shellylh


    Dang, I would order the 4s but I hate using the phone.
  18. Bring it on Mike. I only beat you the first week because you had Boldin and Manning on your bench (with 39 and 38 points).
  19. Did I mention how *much* my team sucks: 74 points total this week (and nobody decent on the bench). No doubt, I am shooting for last place this year.
  20. I know that Dan already answered but thought I would still reply. I tested ipad/computer -> Apple TV with both the optical and HDMI output (directly to the receiver) and with the tv off and it works great (just make sure you don't require an onscreen code).
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